Chapter 34: Trouble

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Los Angeles, CA
Friday 5:46pm


Keenon and I were getting ready for a night out after the past days have been abit boring, we were going to hit up a club with musturd Chanel wasn't here tho as I said She went on a little holiday with cate.

I was layed down on Keenons bed not bothered walking to the closet to pick my fit for tonight, I will have to get up one way or another honestly.

I slowly got up from the bed walking to the closet seeing our cardboard boxes around the floor, yes we were getting ready to move becuase we did end up buying a house.

I looked through my closet swiping all my outfits as I couldn't choose what to wear. I should as Keenon to choose.

"Keenooonn" I yelled from upstairs "yeaaaa watchu need" He yells back from downstairs. "Can u please come up here for a sec" I said.

I continued looking for something, I found a pretty good outfit. I heard footsteps coming my way and there I saw Keenon standing there.

He walked slowly over to me "what's up" he said "I don't know what to wear. Can u pick some for me pleaseee" I begged "Laniyah" he said seriously "pleaseee daddy" I said he looked at me and smirked.

"Fine Im gon pick some really fkn fly" he said looking through my closet.

10 minutes later..

"Are u done yet" I said as I sat on the bed. He told me it was a surprise, damn I could have just picked something if I knew it was going to take this long. "Ok come in" he said and I got up from the bed and walked over there and he had obviously picked something red.

It was this new red Versace top with my silk red pants. It was actually pretty good. "You know I love red, and my girl gotta be fly like her man" he said hugging me from the back putting his hands on my stomach.

I smiled putting the back of my head into his chest while putting my hands over his arms. "I Kant wait to meet my son or daughter" he said kissing the back of my head. "Same here, my first child and who would have thought it would be by you" I said kissing his lips. "Yeen wanna have my baby" he said poking his bottom lip out as I laughed at him "Baby it's a beautiful thing to have a child why would I not wanna have ur baby" I said.

He laughed "Yeah I know that, I remember when I first found out about harmony. Shit was messed up at that point of my life" I looked at him waiting for him to continue. "I was still in the hood, gang bangin, Robbin houses & doin my music at the same time while I had to fight over some jail cases" he said "shit was stressful, then after that, cate told me she was pregnant." He continued "I ain't know what I was gon do with my self. The first thing that came to my mind was how I couldn't have a child at that time." He said as I looked at him.

"Well take a look at things now Keenon" I said kissing him "I love you so much baby, I'm going to do my best to provide for our 'new life' " I said smiling.

"I luh you baby, but I got us. You ain't gotta do anything" he said kissing my lips.

40 Minutes later..

Keenon and I were in the car with Mitch, ackrite, syke, Slim and gloves his security.

Since we were off to a club, we had to at least have a abit of safety because of what happened last time.

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