Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Isabelle’s POV

In the hotel, my friends and I were enjoying a couple glasses of beer. I stopped ranting to myself about the annoying, arrogant, irritating….just don’t get me started on that. I just wanna forget about him and enjoy the rest of my summer vacation with my friends in peace. Returning back to the real world, I realized Luke was talking to me and everybody else was gone.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked him.

“I just asked how you were feeling now?” he said, his face full of concern.

“I’m fine. I just miss her, you know? Thanks for asking by the way” I replied. Luke can be such a sweetheart at times. One moment he’s an annoying friend and really, really frustrating and conceited. The next moment, he will be asking me if I’m fine and be really sweet. Yeah, I know, he’s a bit bipolar but that’s Luke for you.

“No problem”

“So where’s everybody?”

“Oh, they just went to get food, said they were hungry.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Yeah. So, um, Ellie” He said, suddenly nervous. Since we were kids, that has always been his nickname for me. Cute, isn’t it?


“Ummm….I just wanted to ask you... if-” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“ISABELLE!!!!” Alyssa shouted, walking towards our table. “I see you’re out of your fantasy world and back into the real world again. Welcome back!” She said sarcastically. “So, what do you want to eat? Me and everyone else just remembered to ask you what you wanted”

“Wow. Thanks. I feel so loved” I replied, sarcasm dripping from my every word.

“Sorry, I guess we Isabelled”

“Oh.” Then my mind processed what she just said. “Wait, did you just use my name as a verb?”

“Yup” She said, popping the ‘p’.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I meant we forgot again. You know, just like you always do.”

“ I’m not forgetful.”

“Yes, you are”

“No, I’m not”

“Yes, you are”

“Am not”

“Are too”

“Am not”

“Are too”

“Am not”


“Guys, quit it. You’re giving me a headache with all your ‘Am not’s and ‘Are too’s. I mean, come on, Ellie, just accept that you’re REALLY forgetful. And Allyssa, stop annoying her. GOSH! Stop acting like 7 year olds!” Luke complained. Oh yeah, I forgot about him. Whoops.

“We are not acting like 7 year olds!” Allyssa replied, crossing her arms and pouting. “We were acting like 5”

“Whatever, same banana”

“Why banana, why not potato or apple?” I asked.

“I dont know. It’s just a saying”

“Well, where’d you hear it from?”

“I… ummm…..I dunno. I don’t remember. I…Stop it. I know what you guys are doing. So, stop it” He accused, pointing at us.

“What ARE we doing, Luke?” I said, pouting.

“I…umm….I…I….” He gulped, staring at me.

“What?” I asked. “Do I have something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s nothing, Isabelley, He just has a-” Allyssa started but got interrupted by Luke putting his hand on her mouth, shutting her up.

“Um… I just have a……” He said, looking around, as if trying to figure out what to say. Then his eyes lightened up as if a light bulb suddenly appeared on top of his head, like in the cartoons. “….big urge to talk to my dear lovable sister over here. Excuse us a minute.”

I was left in the table really confused and hurt. What the heck did they want to talk about that they couldn’t say in front of me? I mean, we had always shared our deepest darkest secrets with each other since we were in diapers. What do they have to hide from me?

Luke’s POV

ARGGGG!!! Allyssa was soooo annoying. I was just gonna ask Ellie out when she interrupted me. Then she was gonna tell Isabelle about my crush on her. I mean, she’s so embarrassing. I can’t believe we came out of the same womb.

Pulling her away from the table, I exclaimed “WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU SO FRIGGIN ANNOYING?!?!?”

“What? Me? Annoying? What did I possibly do to annoy you?” She said, putting on her ‘innocent face’. As if she was anything near the word, innocent.

“I was just gonna ask Ellie out when you so rudely interrupted me. Then you were gonna tell her how I feel about her” I said, every word going up a higher octave.

“Ohhh, I knew it!!!! I knew! I knew it! I! knew! it! You like Isabelle! Oh my gosh!!! I was just joking around. I didn’t know you actually liked her.”

“Oh, um...Well.... yeah, I do” I said in defeat, blushing.


I looked down, suddenly embarrassed. “Well, I…ummm….no I'm not!”

“Wow, this is rich! Luke Tyren Taylor is blushing. I thought 'players' like you never blush” She said. “OH EM!!! I gotta tell everybody”

“Would you PLEASE stop using my full name? and, NO! Do not tell anyone or I tell everyone about your secret obsession with Justin Bieber (A/N no offence to the justin bieber fans)” She always exclaimed that she hated him but I found a hidden stash of his CDs under her bed.

“Don’t you dare, Luke”

“Oh, I will. Just don’t tell anyone about this moment we just had” I stuck out my hand. “Deal?”

She thought about it for a while before shaking my hand. “Deal”

Here's the 3rd chapter. Sorry for the long wait. We hope you enjoyed it:) 6 votes is an accomplisment for us so PLEASE Vote and Comment or else no 4th chapter. Just Kidding. But seriously, Vote and Comment. Thanks! :)

-Isabelle, Allyssa and Alex

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