Chapter 1

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I zipped up my dress, sipped on my heels grabed my bag checked my hair for the final time heading for the door. I was about to turn the door knob and heard the same voice I've hated for over 2 years now "Where You going?".

I simply responded with out walked to my new benz and speed off to meet my best friend at the club for her 22 Birthday. Time has really passed since then it seems Lol just Awhile ago we were both being held against our will in that God forsaken house. Now I'm living this God Foresaken life.

I pulled up at one of Los Angeles Best clubs Exotic I checked my make up one last time then stepped out handing my keys to the valet walking right inside the building.

Giggling at all the sighs n smart remarks of the long ass line outside.

I walked in and observed my surroundings .I looked towards the stage and saw my best friend fiance performing. Along with his two close friends Chris and Trey. Yes Brown And Songz.they were performing the remix to I luv this shit  Me and Chris caught eye contact and He blew me a kiss. I blushed and Waved, I only wish I would've gave Chris a chance Awhile back  . But noo I was too stupid now I'm living this life of he'll.I watched ass they walked off stage towards VIP I walked nervously over there wanting to make conversation with Chris.

I walked in and he was giving a kiss to someone I thought was my friend. Wait I can't get made me and Chris talking was almost a year ago. And I had previously told them I had no feelings

at least I thought I didn't now I'm not sure I just walked in and waved at everyone
She turned and hugged me and asked where was ray. I simply replied with I left his ass at home
we heard the dj start to talk
"I want every one to wish my girl Stephanie a happy birthday and congratulations your Getting Married too. "

Everyone started to sing Happy birthday as a big cake was brought out I looked at how happy she was and couldn't help but feel envious on how happy she was. but I know your probably wondering how this all came about so let me rewind this back to 2 Years ago

Stephanie's pov

I'm sitting in this hot ass house wondering Why I'm living the life I am.Maybe if I would've pulled the trigger that day or left him where we was I wouldn't be living how I'm living .

I heard some screams I rolled my eyes and thought are these dumb bitches ever gonna get enough u are always coming here I know y'all see this nigga I wanted for murder and rape on the news every day but y'all just think it couldn't be him noooooo. STUPID. I focus back on the TV when I see her stumbling down the stairs looking at me Help she cried

me I shook my head and chuckled see That's where u got Me fucked up at when u first came in I told yo stupid ass but you ain't wanna listen remember I was a stupid bitch now whos stupid and I continued Watching TV ass I heard his heavy foot steps coming down the stairs and I heard her scream one last time then the house was dead silent.

I know what y'all think Why do u let that happened Why are u there

see this is Why last time I tired to help and leave me and my daughter almost ended up dead so I just keep to myself I have my daughter staying with my mother just to keep her safe until.I'm able to leave I hear them heavy foot steps again and I feel the couch next to me sink in I try to hop up and leave but I moved to slow because I was Quickly slammed back on the couch and I felt my clothes being ripped off all I could do was silently cry.

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