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Maybe our time has come
Maybe we're overgrown
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long
Baby, we're barely holding on

People Peter Has Lost
Mary Parker

2-year-old Peter, chubby with wild curls and the brightest smiles. Babbling excitedly about whatever crosses his mind as he follows his mom through the house. She's dressed down for someone who's constantly dressed up in pantsuits and dresses. A pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt glasses on instead of the usual contacts. No handbag in sight. No perfume filling the air.

"Momma!" Peter shouts, waddling to catch up to the woman. She's tall with long legs so she forgets that Peter can't always keep up.

"Yes, darling?" Mary replies, scooping her child up into her arms. He's already got a full mouth of baby teeth and his doe eyes are alight with constant joy.

"When's daddy coming home?" The child demands, leaning his chin against Mary's shoulder tiredly. It's almost nap time.

"Later, honey. You want a bedtime story before night-night?" Mary asks quietly, pressing soft kisses into her boy's hair.

"Yes, p'ease. Elmo?"

"Sure, Baby. We'll read Elmo and then it's nap time, okay? Later we'll eat those cookies we bought."

Richard Parker

"There's my little genius!" Richard exclaims scooping the kid into his arms as soon as he arrives home from work. It's past Peter's bedtime, but Mary lets him stay up later if Richard's not home. She doesn't like to be awake alone so they stay up reading or watching movies together.

"Hiya, Daddy!" Peter murmurs tiredly, immediately letting his head fall against his dad's chest.

"It's late, honey. Time for bed?" Mary asks, patting his back.

"I'll take him up. You wanna take care of the dishes?" Richard says, leaning over the kid to kiss his wife.

"Okay. Make sure he has his soother and his teddy."

Richard nods and carries his son up to his bedroom, setting him down gently in the big crib.

"Leaving again?" Peter asks, staring up at his dad with puppy-dog eyes.

"No. I'll be home tomorrow, sweetie, and we'll go to the park, Okay? For now, it's bedtime. Goodnight, Peter, my little genius. I love you."

"Love you too, Daddy. Love mommy too," Peter whispers, letting his eyes drift shut, clinging his teddy to his chest and pushing his soother into his mouth.

Ben Parker

Ben liked to take Peter camping over the summer. May always opted out in favour of having some girl-time with the friends she didn't have. She was just happy to have the apartment by herself and she hated camping anyways.

In later years, Ben would take Wade along with them.

It's the summer after Peter moved in with his aunt and uncle, and Ben figured they needed some more bonding time. So the annual tradition of spending a long weekend in the forest was created.

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