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entry #9

and when he asked me what makes me happy .. i was shocked, thoughtful and joyful. shocked because no one had ever asked me that specific question, no one had ever been curious. joyful because i had found the one.

and i said- the weather and it's power, the ability for it to change any time of the day. the stars, their sparkle and seeing so many of them at the same time- i love stargazing. i love to be myself, it makes me happy and it brings me comfort when i am sat alone in my room whilst listening to music. i love seasons, like how cold winter can get and how spring over here is a mixture of summer and autumn. i love the idea of soulmates, how soulmates are not just lovers, like how if we did not meet the way we did- we would have met and fell in love in a different way.

and i asked him what makes him happy?

he said- i have to start off with you, you make me the happiest. this feeling of euphoria from you, always being here, loving me despite my past, my beliefs etc, everything about your existence makes me happy. so thank you.

i love waking up to blue skies and sunshine, but not too hot or too cold- the right temperature that makes me shiver yet wear a jacket and not regret it.

laughing until i cry.

writing. it makes me so happy- writing helps me to escape and in a way, express my love, my experiences and writing.

the smell of books.

little celebrations- little wins.

hugs hugs hugs.

my family .. sometimes.

walking through crisp crunchy leaves.

seeing or feeling something that gives me almost like an out of body experience, for example, when hearing your voice for the first time, when we confessed to each other.

drives at night with the windows open and listening to music that gives you goosebumps whilst staring at the view.



memories make me happy, the idea of creating more beautiful ones make me happy too. let's create lots!

being inspired.

and now thanks to you, love makes me happy.

and here i write, with you on my mind because love is an entire familiar yet fresh concept that makes me want to dance and smile and i look forward to the future with no one but you.


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