New Friend or Something Else?

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Sasha's POV

Me-You can come over if your dad says it's okay for you to stay.

I looked at Sebastian.

Me-I still live with my parents but they are having a dinner date with there friends and my brother is out and about so me and the kids will have the house to ourselves

Sebastian-Can I stay? Rebecca gets a little scared and I hardly know you

Me-Yeah let's go. You can follow my car. It's the blue Camaro

Sebastian-That's your car?!

Me-Yep let's go

Sebastian followed my car to my house. We were inside and the kids were playing Mario kart in the game room. I was in the living room with Sebastian. I texted Jon that he could come over. He said he'll be here in about 10 minutes.

Me-So how old are you?

Sebastian-I'm 19 years old

Me-I'm 18

Sebastian-Not to sound rude but do you have any snacks. I didn't want to eat cake and icecream at the party

Me-Yeah I have a lot of snacks. Let's head to the kitchen

Sebastian's POV

I'm at Sasha's crib. Sasha's body is banging. She got curves and her butt is round. I could just squeeze it. I was getting hungry so we walked to the kitchen. Sasha opened the refrigerator. She bent down and I had to control myself.

Sasha- We got a lot of snacks uhhh what do you want?

Me-You don't wanna know


Sasha hit her head on the refrigerator and fell on me. OMG. She was all on me and I loved it. She was laughing so every time she tried to get up she would fail. I helped her up finally and squeezed her butt a little. She jumped and slapped my hand.

Sasha-Was that on purpose?

Me-No it was a mistake I swear

I was lying threw my teeth. She was looking at me. More like, she was looking through me to see if I was lying. We heard the door open and a lot of people talking. Sasha went into the kitchen.

Sasha's POV

I was trying to see if Sebastian meant to squeeze my butt when the front door opened. I went to see who it was. It was my SQUAAD. 

Me-Hey what y'all doing today?

Ashley-Just chilling

Me-That's cool

Jon picked me up, spun me around, and kissed me. The grew more intense and we started making out. Our friends were use to it so they didn't mind. We finally stopped.

Jon-I was waiting to do that all day

I started blushing then I heard a cough. I looked up and Sebastian was leaning against the wall.

Nicholas-Sasha who is that?

Me-A burglar


Me-I'm kidding. Everyone this is Sebastian

Jon-What is he doing here?

Me- He's Conrad's friend daddy. Conrad and Rebecca are upstairs playing games

Roc-Ohhhh we taught him how to play with the little ladies. Ain't that right Jaden

Jaden-Hecky yeah. Conrad gonna get all the ladies at school. He kissed Rebecca yet?

I looked at Sebastian and he was shaking his head at Roc and Jaden.

Sebastian-Conrad did kiss Rebecca today

Roc and Jaden did some dance. They looked crazy. Conrad and Rebecca came downstairs. They were holding hands. I looked at Sebastian and he was looking at there hands.

Me-Did you and Rebecca have fun playing Mario?

Conrad-We didn't play Mario

Sebastian-Then what were y'all doing?

Rebecca jumped onto Conrad and they started kissing. Sebastian and me ran to them and separated them.

Me-What the h###?

Sebastian-Rebecca, who taught you that $###?

Rebecca-Mommy did daddy. She do it with Richard all the time

Sebastian-Just because your mommy does it doesn't mean you do it. Pinky promise me you don't do that anymore

They shook pinkies. I looked at Conrad and he was fist bumping Jaden and Roc.

Me-No way. Y'all are not encouraging him. Conrad don't do that again. Keep your tongue in your mouth, hands to yourself, and your little winnie in your pants. You got that

Conrad-(whine) Sasha

Me-Do you got that?


Me-Good. I wonder where Joshua is?

Corahn-When I talked to him he was at Walmart. He said he's gonna come home after. 


Sebastian-Rebecca and I are gonna head out. It's getting late

Me-Okay bye Rebecca. I hope you had a nice time

Rebecca-I sure did

Rebecca walked up to Conrad. Conrad licked his lips and bit his lip. I'm killing Roc and Jaden. Rebecca hugged Conrad. I'm glad he didnt squeeze her tiny behind. They left and I stared down Roc and Jaden.

Conrad-I'm sleepy. Goodnight everyone

We all said goodnight to Conrad. I hit Roc and Jaden on the back of there big heads.

Jaden-We deserved it that

Ashley kissed Roc where I hit him. I shook my head and chuckled. Joshua walked through the door with a lot of bags. Nicholas ran and helped him.

Me-What you got there Joshy?

Joshua-My man needs

Joshua went upstairs in his room. I sat on the couch and rubbed my forehead. Jon sat next to me, kissed my forehead, and held my hand. It was getting late and everyone started to leave. The last to leave were Corahn, Tiarra, and Jon. 

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