New beginning

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(I made you Canadian, for home opportunities + I don't see many Canadian characters on here. I only mention it a bit in the first couple chapters, just ignore it if u don't like it)

In the car on the way to my new house in South Park, i stare out the window, looking in interest at all the colourful houses. "This town looks different from what we're used to, doesn't it
(y/n)?", says my mom from the driver's seat. "Yeah definitely not what I expected", i reply. My mom taps on the steering wheel in beat to the song on the radio, "Well I think change is a good thing, this is our new beginning." "Yeah I hope your right," i reply, keeping my stare out the window, looking at the autumn leaves.

I reach my house, pretty ugly purple colour to me, and haul my boxes inside. I get to my new room, which seems livable and start unpacking my belongings. Were moving here from Canada because my dad passed away a few months ago. My mom found a better job here and needed to get away from everything that reminded her of him. I miss him to death, but it has had a bigger affect on her. She's been drinking too much since and she's been angry all the time. So far today, she's sober and nicer than she's been, but I know she's going to snap once again. It's always unexpected, and I live in fear of them the next time will be.

After I pack away half of my boxes, I decide to go help my mom unpack, I would since like to keep myself on her good side. Even then, it doesn't take long before she yells at me for putting things in the wrong place. I finish helping anyways, being extra careful.

I look out the main window to see two guys standing across the street looking right at my house. I'm not too surprised though, I mean I know I'm always curious about new neighbours. Should I go outside and introduce myself? Social anxiety doesn't make that very easy for me, but if I'm going to be starting a new high school, it would be nice to already know someone.

"Hey mom, can I go introduce myself to some neighbours or would you like me to continue unpacking? I promise I won't be long, I'll continue unpacking after," I cautiously ask, trying not to say the wrong thing. She groans and says, "I don't care, all I know is that I need a glass of wine. I expect the rest of these boxes unpacked today though, okay?" She point towards a pike of boxes. Oof. "Yeah of course. I'll be back soon," I say before peeking out the window to make sure they're still there, which they are, and running up to the bathroom to make sure I look ok. Don't judge, I gotta look good for the guys I mean they are kinda cute *wink wink*. After a very quick hair fix, I throw on a sweater, take a breath, and open my front door.

The two guys, one with black hair and a blue and red beanie, and the other red hair and green ushanka, notice me and scramble to look like they weren't creeping on my house. I laugh at their feeble attempt. I give them a wave, and they try to act like they just noticed me now and wave back.

I walk over to them and say, "ya know if you wanted to me your new neighbours you could just knock instead looking like stalkers out here." I laugh and blue beanie replies with, "whaaat I have no idea what you're talking about" while rubbing the back of his head.

"Mhm okay, well my names (y/n)," I say, extending a hand, hoping handshake aren't weird for people our age. "I'm Stan," says blue beanie, shaking my hand. "And this is Kyle," Stan says, motioning to green ushanka. I shake his hand too.

"So (y/n), where are you from?" Asks Kyle. I hesitate knowing that I'm about to be bombarded with Canadian stereotypes. "...Canada" I reply, waiting for their shallow minded response. "Really? You don't sound Canadian?" Says Stan. "I really hope you don't actually think all of Canada has an accent and says 'eh'," I say waiting for their response. They look at each other like I just told them that China didn't exist and was just a lie the Russian government wants you to believe.

I rub my temple and say, "while I'm at it, we don't live in igloos, I've never even seen a moose, our summers are hot too, and most of us aren't fluent in French." I hope that'll answer their questions. Stan laughs a bit and says, "well (y/n), how aboot we show you around town a bit, eh?" "Oh my lord is this my life now?" I say laughing. "Pretty much. Don't worry, we won't tease you too much," Kyle replies, laughing too. "Also, I would love to have you guys take me on a tour, but I really should get back in and finish unpacking" "Ah okay, hopefully we'll see you at school. Don't make plans after because we're taking you out then," Stan says with a wink. I have to say, he's pretty alright looking, is he flirting with me? "I'll have to check my schedule," I reply, winking back. We laugh and I say goodbye, going back inside.

"Who were those boys?" My mom asks when I walk in the door. "Just a couple guys from the neighbourhood. They even offered to show me around," I respond. "I don't think I want you hanging around a bunch of guys, (y/n), especially if you're going to flirt with them like I know you were." "I wasn't flirting. Don't worry, I turned down their offer anyways,"
I say, not being completely honest, but not really lying either. "Good. Now finish the boxes," is all she says before she walks away.
To be continued!....

Sorry this intro was long and not that good, but I promise things will get good, more and more as the story goes on.

If you like the story so far and want me to continue, comment your ideas and what South Park characters you'd want to see. Feel free to even directly message me if you have any ideas on where you'd like to see this story go!

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