Part Six - Tonguetied

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After a good night's sleep, I woke up to Lucy, licking my arm. Lucy was a pale grey kitten, with beautiful blue eyes. She seemed to be the only who liked me. The rest of Mrs. Sommers' eight cats like my sister, and meow viciously at me. Must be the stench of teenage spirit.

I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the schedule that the Jenkins' gave to me. I was working five hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday, and three hours on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I stuck the schedule on the bedpost to the bed that Jean and I shared. Jean slept in late on Sundays, so I quietly put on the maid outfit and snuck out the bedroom door.

My mother was helping Mrs. Sommers with breakfast. Because Mrs. Sommers sold eggs, and other dairy products she had a whole variety of breakfast foods. We sat down and I wolfed down two pieces of toast, which my mother got from the mill near the supermarket, and two omelets. At home, we usually didn't have this good of a breakfast; they usually consisted of lumpy oatmeal. Not that I was complaining, or anything, but it was nice to have a change of things. I grabbed my bag, and said goodbye to mother and Mrs. Sommers.

Since I got the maid job, it was as if my mother was a complete different person. The sun began to shine more too, ironically. There was a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders, and she began to be happier. Yes, our basement was flooded, but we had the great luck of being taken in by Mrs. Sommers and becoming the Jenkins' maid.

I did the usual routine: buzzing the buzzer, stating who I was, then doing the long walk up the driveway. I thanked Isaac, and put my bag on a hook. There were good smells that wafted from the kitchen. It smelt like... bacon. My mouth watered, but I shook my head and went the opposite direction. I met up with Marcia and she gave me a list of duties.

"You did so well yesterday, I was hoping that maybe you could try this list out for yourself? Here is a pager if you need any help," Marcia said, explaining how to page her if I needed her help. I studied the super sleek and slim pager. I never had a cell phone, an iPod, all those fancy gadgets that kids at my school flaunted. Thanking her, I set off to my tasks.

Today's duties were pretty simple and straightforward:

-Tidy Leo and Lacy's (the dogs) play pen area. Put the toys in the designated area.

-Dust the trophy room.

-Sweep the kitchen and bathrooms #1 and 2.

-Put the clothes from Charlie and Khloe's hampers and do one load of laundry.

I set off to the dogs' playpen. I was never good with dogs, especially when one bit off a piece of my father's ear when I was younger. Since then, I was nervous around them, and worried that they could smell my fear. I mustered up imaginary strength and thought about my mother and sister. We need the money.

I slowly crept into the dogs' playpen, three times larger than the chickens' pen outside Mrs. Sommers house. I spotted the two Labradors, snuggling, and made my move in.

"H-hi. I'm Haylie. Your maid. Um, do you- Ah! Wait. That feels nice," I said, as one of the dogs came to lick my hand. I was worried for a second that they might have bitten it, but the licking sensation felt ticklish on my hand. Petting both dogs, I fetched all of their toys (way more than I had as a child) and put them in the appropriate colour-coded bins to the left. The black spotted Labrador, I assumed was Leo, came up to me and gave me the cutest puppy eyes.

"No," I said, shaking my head, "Haylie has to go now. Aww, don't give me those eyes. Haylie will see you later." I waved bye to the dogs and set off to my next tasks.

After sweeping the kitchen and bathroom, I set off to Charlie's room. It was the first time I was in it, since Scott's tour of the house. It was a nice pale blue room, with a lot of soccer, hockey and rugby equipment. I had played these sports in gym class, and I was somewhat decent at soccer. As for the other two, let's just say I was lucky if I didn't break my nose playing them.

Picking up the hamper full of clothes, I left the empty room. I entered Khloe's room. It was bright. Even bright was an understatement. With bright pink walls, and electric blue rugs, I've never seen it this bright. During the tour, it looked different.

"Now, where is her hamper?" I muttered to myself, as I rummaged through the room. Just as I spotted it, I heard a shriek behind me.

"AH! WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING. IN MY ROOM! YOU... YOU SNOOP!!!" Without even having to turn around, I recognized Khloe's bratty voice.

"Oh, hi. I'm your maid," I said politely, "I'm here to clean. You know, do laundry?"

Khloe glared at me, "With that attitude I can ge-"

"Khlo. Chill. Just let it go."

I turned to thank my saviour. Correction: My good-looking saviour. He had dark brown eyes that glistened, and shiny brown hair. His skin was flawless, and he looked like he had a nice body. Woah. Wait. Where did that come from? Haylie, the girl who never even hugged a boy. And now, suddenly I was dying from even looking at this boy.

He came closer, and put his arm around Khloe. Ahh. Must be her boyfriend.

"Hi! I'm Haylie, your girlfriend's maid," I said putting my hand forward. I tried to avoid the fact that I had an argument with Khloe.

"Excuse me?" He said, quickly removing his arm from Khloe's shoulders. "Girlfriend? I'm her brother. Never in a million years would I be your boyfriend, Khlo." He took my hand and firmly shook it, "I'm Charlie, nice to meet you."

I never blushed this hard in my entire life. "Oh! Sorry! Um, haha, misunderstood..." I drifted off.

Khloe left with an eye roll, and I was left with Mr. Hunky, I mean, Charlie.

"Look," he started, "I'm sorry about my sister's bitchiness. She can be, well, a bitch. Sometimes. Okay, most of the time. Anyway, thanks for taking out the laundry." He pointed at his hamper.

"Oh, yeah. No problem. Sorry about the comment, by the way," I said still blushing.

"It's cool. We're twins, so we're never mistaken as a couple, ha," he shrugged. "As long as you're not telling everyone that we're a couple, I won't tell everyone my maid talks to my dogs," he said, with a wink and began to walk out the door. "Who talks to them in the third person," he added, peeping around the door frame. He had a grin on his face and waved goodbye.

Ugh, now I was really blushing. He heard that? I giggled, which I never do, and headed off to the basement to do some laundry. Who knew that Scott and Isabelle had such an adorable son. Why were they hiding him from me? Oh well, I thought, a grin on my face, as I opened the laundry room door.

A.N ~ Hope you liked!!! Thought it was cute? Okay, haha there's a pic of Lucy ---->

And I might not be updating until the weekend :(( But we have to admit, I was good at updating everyday c;

Thanks for reading, stay gold, my friends~

OH AND #217 - Teen fic and #796 - Romance


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