Part One - The Interview

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"Hay. Its just a job. Being a maid isn't that bad. We need the money. We need it," my mom looked at me with sunken eyes, as she clutched her hands. Her usual happy face, was blank with no emotion. I understood and buckling my bag, I trudged through the rain and ducked under the bus shelter. It was empty except for a few newspapers. I pulled up my dark brown hair, dull and flat, and put it into a thick french braid. After years of doing it for my mother, I perfected it. The thought of my mother having her hair in a braid, made me choke up a little bit.

As the bus rolled around the corner, I hardened my face and walked onto the bus. The passengers were either half alive or poorer than me. Barely anyone took the bus where I lived in New York. As the bus slowly worked its way to my destination, I took a glance at my face in the window's reflection. I looked tired and sad, after many years of scraping by with my family. I had long ago stopped trying to make myself noticeable.

"Hey, miss, where are you heading?" Looking up from my reverie, I saw that the bus driver was waving at me.

"16 Granton Dr," I said. I noticed a little cock in the bus driver's eyebrows.

"Well," I explained, "its for a job interview."

The bus driver stopped a little closer to my destination, and I was really thankful. It was pouring buckets as I reached the mansion. It looked like it had about nine floors and a thousand windows. I reached the gates and pressed the buzzer. "Name and business?" An eerie English voice boomed.

"Um, Haylie McMaster. Here for a job interview."

The gates opened as I hastily went down the driveway to the front door. The rain hit me hard as I reached the front entrance.

"Welcome, Miss McMaster. Make your way through here..." The extravagantly dressed butler ushered me through a set of crystal doors.

"Wow. This is a very lovely home," I commented. Mother said to always compliment the interviewer.

"Thank you, I will be passing the gratitude towards Mr. Jenkins. Would you like a towel to dry off? Some refreshments?" I politely asked for a towel, as I sat down on plush chairs, waiting for my boss. After drying myself off and taking a sip of water, the butler escorted me towards the main room where I would speak directly to Mr. Jenkins.

"Welcome! Haylie! Take a seat, my love." I sat down, slowly, taking in my surroundings. It was all so business like, with a high ceiling and beautiful oak table. I looked so out of place in, even my nicest outfit, a light periwinkle dress sewn by my grandmother.

"Thank you so much for this oppur-" I started.

"Oh, no need to thank me yet," chuckled Mr. Jenkins. "We haven't even started!"

I blushed, but then recomposed my face, "Of course not, sir."

"Well, lets get started then!"

As Mr. Jenkins started firing questions at me, I responded politely, honestly and clearly. After a round of housework duties that I did at home, I felt very confident that Mr. Jenkins liked me. I scheduled a meeting for a test of housework.

"Oh, and before I forget, here is the maid outfit we will be supplying and a list of worker compensations."

I practically glared at the outfit, which consisted of a short, frill dress with an apron and two-inch high heels.

"Mr. Jenkins... How will I get any work done in... those?"

He laughed as he stared at the shoes, "I guess not, eh? I'll get Marcia the stylist to get different shoes."

I nodded, then thanked him. As I crept out of the mansion, I had a feeling that I would like this job. Really like it. Well, other than the fact I had to wear a frilly costume.


A.N ~ Dedicated to: katkelsey, my bby c:

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To the right is Haylie's outfit --------->

BTW, I changed my username to flawlessly :p

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