Goodnight My Queen

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Genevieve hadn't been able to sleep all week, and when she finally had she dreamt of flying. She loved the life her parents had given her, but she wanted more, she wanted an adventure.
   She woke up, grabbed her ballet bag and headed to her rehearsal. Genevieve had gotten half way through her walk when she started see signs that a circus was in town. "I should go", she thought, after all the first show was after her rehearsal and her parents would be going to a dinner so they wouldn't expect her at home.
   Throughout her ballet rehearsal all she thought was how fun it would be to see the circus again, for it had been so long since one was in town. After rehearsals she packed her bag wondering if she should change but instead heading to the circus grounds in her ballet outfit.
    The circus looked almost empty when she arrived. The ticket master told her she was on time fore the first show, so she paid for a ticket and went to sit down in the stands. Soon after the lights turned down and the middle of the tent was lit up revealing and older man, the ring leader, he introduced act after act, animal after animal until it was time for the final act. Two boys, that Genevieve thought were about her age, stood at the top of the poles in the tent. The act was that one boy, Peter, would swing under the tightrope preforming a solo trapeze act while another boy, Nikolai, would juggle swords while walking across a tight rope.

   Nik looks at Peter while his father builds up the ten person crowd for the act. Peter winks at Nik to signal he is ready. Once the lights hit them the act starts. Suddenly it is all swinging and swords. As Peter swings out so close to touch the crowd he locks eyes with Genevieve and time for a short second stops. He can see that she is a dancer, her pale leotard and fluffy tutu give it away. Genevieve is so impressed by the show she doesn't pay much attention to the fact that Peter keeps looking at her throughout the rest of the show. She does notice that the other boy, Nik, was the one on the back of the caravan. "Guess I was right" she thought. The act ends and the tent goes dark   to end the whole show. "That was perfect", Genevieve thought as she existed the tent. Outside she can see the boys and the ring leader talking. One of them catches her out of the corner of his eye and then continues to talk to the older man. She wonders what they are talking about as she walked home. Little did she know they were talking about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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