That mrflimflam college au

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I'm not sorry

-has everyone's phone number in his class
-jokingly asked rust for 'noods' and got pics of pasta and several question marks in return
-replies 'h0t' to the spaghetti photo
-meme cult leader
-blood content is 15% coffee
-still has his YouTube channel and constantly loses his voice
-stays up til 5 am, wakes up at 7, acts dead inside but looks hot
-bi, maybe pan


-pasta mom
-med student with culinary as a minor
-looks like she could kill you by feeding you too many cinnamon rolls
-eyeliner game so strong it could kill a man
-head bitch in charge
-mtf trans girl
-she gives the bEST hugs
-'we're all gonna die anyways stop being mean to eachother'
-her walls are covered in anime posters
-she's the human version of ralsei and toriel combined y'all


-under investigation by the psychology and biology students
-hasn't slept in 6 years
-too old for college
-needs a nap
-a dirt nap
-straight as an arrow


-he's,, really good at art
-web design and psych kid
-send Albert pics of pasta once
-accidentally started a streak with Albert because he sent him a video of different kinds of pasta every day, hasn't broken it
-has a 1000 day streak with Albert
-is actually a fun loving guy???
-his sexuality is no


-has an inside joke with morgenne that he'd fuck Albert for 12 cents
-Albert hears this, comes into class the next day with a dime and 2 pennies, slams it onto the table in front of goz
-they don't fuck but goz is 12 cents richer and his self esteem is boosted
-dad jokes.  Oh god
-shares a dorm with morgenne
-comes home to find her plastering her walls with posters and just 'why didn't you tell me you liked deltarune I have a copy of it'
-video game nerd
-really good at art but only if he's sick out of his mind, drunk, or high
-creepy art, drawings of father sun


-a small silhouette of a gravestone tattoo on her left ankle
-her hair is always soft you should touch it
-she rooms with drforests!!!  They're bffs
-a queen at nail art
-she rocks pastels but she's too scared o wear it out
-looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you
-her Halloween costumes are always over-the-top gorey but nobody knows if it's real or fake blood
-meme cult ally

-quiet boy
-ace as all hell
-test dummy for Caroline's nail art
-looks like he could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
-Constant Sigh™️
-still plays roblox
-no one knows his real name but Caroline calls him Clinten so everyone else did too


-still a god
-he's venom confirmed
-the cole family is Eddie
-has way too many email accounts for Netflix
-is a Netflix and pizza rolls addict
-needs an intervention
-Alberts flirted with him before, bet
-low key a huge fan of alberts content
-my sexuality is no


-library hoe
-probably hangs around strip clubs, doesn't go in
-chaotic evil bi
-shares a dorm with Clinten
-secretly really sensitive??
-give him a hug
-smells like flowers
-like seriously his hair smells like roses
-his favorite color is lavender shhh
-plant dad


-needs a break
-soulless, literally and metaphorically
-bottom-passing switch
-Girls r hot????  But dudes r hot?????  Help?????
-he probably made the Luigi board meme
-has a tumblr
-distressed bisexual
-his hair is too long in the front and too short in the back
-looks like a lesbischnitzle
-would be adorable with his hair pinned up
-hug him


-male-preferring bi
-anime girl voice
-has like 4 trees in her dorm
-resident tree physician
-dating Emmett, who is as tall as a tree
-a botanist!!!
-has squishy cheeks, top and bottom
-hourglass figure
-you can,, lift her
-I may be short but youre still below me

Emmettcult (too lazy to do all the cults so just Emmett)

-a tall man
-religious studies major
-straight as a Bible ya trick ass bitch
-cusses in ice cream flavors
-loves Disney movies
-gigantic lgbtq ally
-believes that if Disney gives Elsa a girlfriend then kids will grow up believing that being gay is a-ok
-has his own mini church service, all are welcome
-knows the Bible's original writing by heart, follows that instead
-'Bible was mistranslated.  It was man should not lay with boy, not man should not lay with man.  Bible didn't like pedophila, lgbtq was fine in god's eyes'
-he has a really good chest to sleep on, just ask forests

Uhh my sick brain came up with this you're welcome

Dumb story ideas I had while sick or dead tiredWhere stories live. Discover now