The college myth au kids as memes

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Mach: where do you wanna get healthy snack, Albert?
Albert, scoffing: I want chipotle.
Mach, screaming I said a hEALTHY SNACK ALBERT-

Goz: so yeah he broke up with me
Caroline, in morgenne's lap: why are you looking up?
Goz: I need to cry, but foundation was 48 dOLLARS-

Emmett, climbing into a drier: I am disgusted, I am revolted, I devote my entire life to our lord and savior Jesus Christ and this is the thanks I get?

Rust: are you flirting with me?
Somatikos: have been for the last two years but thanks for noticing!

Forests: we did it babe, you're gonna be a father!
Emmett: babe, I'm reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - what do you want?

Mach: welcome to Taco Bell what can I get you
Albert: I wanna fuckin die
Mach: same

Caroline, on the phone with Albert: I think I'm having a midlife crisis
Albert: w- why?
Caroline: because it's two am and I just made so many lemon bars that there's no room on my counter

Rust: yeah, sex is cool
Rust: (lifts somatikos's hoodie above his head)
Rust: but have you ever seen your roommate's abs and realized you were gay

Somatikos: don't you love it when your brain releases a bunch of endorphins
Mach, sleep deprived: why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins
Rust: ccant relate

Somatikos: last Christmas, I gave you my heart
Rust: but the very next day, you said you were gay
Somatikos: (holding back laughter) this year, to save me from tears
Somatikos: (on the floor, D Y IN G)

Someone: aren't you and Jack related?
Emmett: yall year summ?????

Mach: remember one time, I like you?
Alakazard: no?
Mach: good cause. NEVER HAPPEN
Alakazard, softly: aw
Mach: ah hA. a HO

Somatikos: and this is my roommate, Rust
Somatikos's entire family: are you sure about that

Adam: alright campers, we're gonna play the name game! You go first.
Jack: hi, my name's chakaOOFka and my dad knows god.

Goz: skeletons aren't scary. There's one inside you
Albert, screaming: not meant to exit the M E A T

Someone: what's your gender?
Noli: doom
Someone: no, I mean biological
Noli: terror
Someone: no, what's in your pants?
Noli: D E A T H A N D D E S T R U C T I O N

Morgenne: I really can't stay!~
Somatikos: but baby, it's cold outside.
Morgenne: I've gotta go away~
Somatikos: I'm gay and you'll die outside!

Caroline: Storytime!
Caroline: everyone in this room was entirely straight.
Morgenne, Rust, Somatikos, noli, forests, Clinten, goz, and Albert, siting on the floor:
Caroline: April fools.
Somatikos, yelling: FAKE NEWS!

Rust: bro I had a dream we fucked
Somatikos: don't worry bro it's just a dream
Rust: ha, gay I wouldn't fuck you
Somatikos, sadly: you wouldn't?
Rust, softly: I mean unless you wanted to

Rust, holding up him and somatikos's cat: stinky
Somatikos: no! Don't be mean!
Rust, swaying him back and forth in the air: stinky bastard man
Somatikos: no!!!!!!!!
Mach, not looking up from chopping veggies: naughty boy. Brat cat.
Somatikos, distraught: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Jake, a police officer: first name please?
Morgenne: ...frida.
Jake: okay, and last name?
Morgenne: Gomam.
Jake: you're Frida Gomam?
Morgenne: (drives off)
Jake: why do I always fall for this

Somatikos: so are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
Rust: I'm a knife.

Caroline: hey I'm lesbian
Clinten: I thought you were american

Newscaster: citizens were told to stay off the roads unless absolutely, positively necessary.
Albert: I wanted donuts

Caroline: (clinging onto goz's leg)
Emmett: let me guess, party last night?
Goz, with eyeliner sharp enough to kill your cheating husband and nails so bright they outshine the sun: how'd u know

Rust:  I saw you hanging out with valleyofsaints yesterday
rust, pulling out a nerf gun:  I WONT HESITATE BITCH

Emmett: Arthur
Emmett, slightly louder: Arthur
Arthur, dead as shit:
Emmett, shocked; oh my fukin god he fuckin dead

Clinten: CAROLINE!
Clinten: is that a weed?
Caroline, giggling: no, this is a crayon-
Clinten, screaming: IM CALLING THE P O L I C E

Albert:  hey how much money do you have
Goz;  oh like 69 cents
Albert:  ah, you know what that means
Goz, crying:  I don't have enough money for chicken nugget

Goz: I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand
Albert, throwing himself onto the sand: posideon quivers before him!

Chuck_Lloyd: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing
Albert, mockingly: butcha diDNT

Rust:  do you ever feel a tear go down ur face when ur laying down and thing damn I'm sad but not that sad
Somatikos, softly:  babe r u ok

Caroline, driving;  Spotify needs to stop giving me ads for premium, I am POOR and in COLLEGE, I will suffer through these ads like a normal person!
Morgenne, choking on laughter in the passenger seat:

Albert;  whatever it is, I didn't do it.
Jake:  you always say that, but I never believe you.

Caroline:  I am in a mood to make some bad life choices!
Clinten:  please don't sound so excited about it.

Morgenne:  everyone thinks I'm so well put together, truth is I haven't brushed my hair in a month

Noli:  stop that.  It's too early for you to be in a good mood.
Alakazard:  it's 4:30 in the afternoon

Albert:  so you want a burger or a hotdog
Somatikos:  Rust
Albert:  that wasn't a choice
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