Mrflimflam college au pArT tWo

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-morgenne wears bras with cats on them

-drmach has probably worked in the porn industry before, college is expensive and I don't blame him

-rust normally doesn't like people at all but give that man a bottle of miller light and he's grinding on someone within five minutes

-morgenne is built like a fuckin Victoria's secret model, like, a flat stomach and a curvy waist n I'm just gay for morgenne okay

Emmett: let me guess, party last night?
Goz, with Caroline clinging to his leg like a child, nails bright purple and glittery, and his skin looking more fresh than normal: howd you know

-Caroline is overly affectionate to the point that goz and morgenne use hugs to get her to go to class

-morgenne makes the best pie on campus, deadass ranked

-goz sings in the shower
-he's off key but does it anyways

-morgenne purrs if you run your fingers through her hair

-people with super soft hair: goz, Clinten, somatikos, Emmett, davidcult, Rust, morgenne, and noli (fluffy boi)

-morgenne and Caroline don't like parties and goz hates crowds and alcohol so they have a spa night where they wear face masks and watch b movies while painting eachothers nails and spilling tea
-goz gets his nails painted first, he INSISTS

-rust has called cockroaches 'scuttle boys' before while drunk, also stating how he wanted to pet them and smooch their 'sniff sticks' (fun fact, this is a quote from me)

-when drunk, Clinten uses Japanese honorifics for his friends
-Albert calls himself Albert-Chan whenever clinten has a hangover

-morgenne sings like Lana del Rey

-noli has an undercut and stubble, his hair's like, jet black

-the only thing straighter than Caroline's hair is Emmett
-Caroline's a blondie with pink highlights
-wears pink contacts every now and then

-morgenne had brown hair, but she dyed it purple in her first year of college and keeps redying it over and over, she loves it
-blueish-purplish eyes??  So pretty??

-Emmett, back at it again with the undercuts and brushed back hair
-nobody can tell if he's a brunette or a blondie tbh
-regular brown eyes w a lil bit of green in em

-he 100% dyed it solid red tho
-grayish black eyes

-rust has black hair, but it's kinda brown too
-he's got the brightest hazel eyes tho it's so pretty
-glasses??? Yes pls??

-somatikos has curly black hair that's always wild as hell
-nobody knows what his eye color he has because he's either wearing clout glasses or sunglasses to hide them
-hook up w him to find out

-somatikos, canon, owns clout goggles

Rust: oh no, my glasses
Somatikos, under the bed:  hey kid, wanna buy some clout

-somatikos and rust share a dorm and they're total platonic boyfriends
-they've got a ship name
-it's rustmakitos

-rust and somatikos LIVE to scare the shit out of Albert
-they know his YouTube channel and are both god tier at making games so they fuck with him

-somatikos is a programmer so he can give rust all these different sound files from voice actor and sound designer friends

-somatikos catches feelings first and asks if they wanna connect their myth timelines so they both have references to eachother in their games I'm sobbing

-in summary, rustmatkios

-Albert needs to stay off the dance floor when rust is drunk and pull somatikos in his place, homeboy needs to get laid

-Caroline is supposed to room with forests but forests stays in Emmett's dorm so Caroline stays with goz and morgenne

-morgenne is a trans icon and an lgbtq rights activist (UNITED WE STAN)

-somatikos has been in college fails snapchats so many times people know his name

-College seniors: noli, Emmett, forests, Mors, yucko, zoozy, jreaks, and Smithcult

-juniors: Mach, davidcult, Albert, Jake, adam, Clinten

Sophomores: rust, somatikos, morgenne, goz, Caroline, stream 1, 2, and 3

Freshmen: the rest of the stream series, Jack cult

This list will be updated as I learn of more myths

-smithcult isn't dead he's just so antisocial and study-horny that he refuses to speak to people and is rarely seen
-Smith's a god at sign language

-morgenne is 150000% "I'm gonna speak French between your legs," then "boNJOUR MONSIEUR PENIS"

-goz has like 2 one night stands a year

-caroline is the Blushing Virgin™️

-Adam is fluent in French and Romanian and prefers to yell at his friends jokingly in Romanian because to strangers it's terrifying

Dumb story ideas I had while sick or dead tiredWhere stories live. Discover now