The 'Princess' and the Greasy boy

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I walked into the shop with my step daddy. He was gonna get a job here maybe. There was a pretty woman working on the car. “Daddy, who’s that pretty lady?” I asked.

            “I don’t know honey,” He said as we walked over to her. He cleared his throat. “I have an interview with Esperanza.” He said.

            “That’s me. You’re Thomas I assume… who’s this lovely chica?” She asked in her pretty accent.

            “My name is Y/n.” I said shyly, “And you’re pretty.”

            She smiled. “Thank you.” She said, “I have a son about your age. You can play with him while your Dad and I talk okay?” She held a lollipop out to me. I took it and thanked her. I walked over to where she pointed and came across two legs sticking out from under a toy car. “Um…” I said and a small boy around my age, but shorter than me slid out from under the car. “Sup?” He said.

“Your mommy said I could play with you.” I said.

“Did she now? Well did she happen to mention that I don’t play?” He asked, wiping oil onto his shirt.

“No… so do you know how to play tag?”

“Around tools?” he asked.

“Then what?” I place my hands on my hips and wrinkled my nose at him.

“How about I go back to working and you play the quiet game, Chica.” He said.

            I flushed red. “No! I’m not going to do that. In fact now that you said that, I’m going to talk louder.” I made my small voice go louder and he just looked at me. “Whatever floats your boat, Princess.”

            I blushed deeper. Boys called me a GIRL or just yelled COOTIES! Never had a boy called me Princess…

            “Then how about a game of pretend. I’m the princess and a night is supposed to save me from the tower, but instead, the greasy stinky boy saves me.” I said.

            “Sorry honey, they already made that into a movie. It’s called SHREK.”

            “That’s the point of pretend.” I muttered.

            “I’m not into that game.” He said.

            “Better get interested fast.” I said, walking over to the small car and sitting on it. “When oh when will my prince rescue me? It’s so lonely and mother told it would happen so soon, I wouldn’t remember being here…” I sighed dramatically and looked at him. He was just watching. I groaned and curled up, using my hoodie as a pillow. “Maybe tomorrow…”

            “On guard horrible Dragon, release that princess at once!” He said.

            I opened one eye and sat up. “Could it be? My daring night to rescue…” I trailed off, watching Leo battle the dragon with a hammer in one hand and on his face he had a welding mask on. I giggled a little and crossed my legs waiting for him to win.

            “Ahh… I’m injured.” He groaned, but I must push on!” He stopped and stared at the air. “Oh… I see what’s wrong… you’re broken.” He said, “Let me fix you.” He said. And he set to work building something. I just watched him as he built a metal dragon out of scrap metal. He got up and walked over to me. I stared at him for a moment. “May I?” He held his arms out.  I just nodded and he scooped me up and settled me on the metal dragon. “Plot twist, the Greasy stinky boy rebuilds the dragon- because all along it was a broken machine and it needed fixing and he saved the princess then took the reward and left her in the dust.” He moved me off of the dragon and pretended to fly off.

            I stared at him dumbfounded and then he made a small squeak and leaped into my lap. I shoved him off and stood only to see a serpent. Not just a small one, a large one. My eyes widened and I grabbed Leo’s hand tightly. We crawled onto the car. “Now what happens?” I asked him.

            “The Greasy boy realizes that he needs the princess. He comes back and they-“ He stared at the snake wide eyed.

            “They what?”

            “They-“And then the snaked lunged and we hugged each other tightly. A gun went off and I hugged him tighter.

            “its okay kids…” Mrs. Valdez panted. “Snake’s gone.”

            I dared to look and the Snake was gone.  I stared at the spot where the snake was and ran over to my Dad.

            A few days later, we heard that the shop burned down… with no survivors. My Grease covered prince was gone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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