A Reckoning

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The Scorpion Lands

Rising out of the bath that his Medicine King had infused with healing herbs and a strong dose of healing energy, Tengfei stumbled back to his chamber feeling far worse than he was when he entered.  Though this was not the fault of his Medicine King, but rather his own lack of sleep and the refusal to rest.

Since the last battle, he had immediately set about preparing for the next battle, but having used up most of his cultivation in that one reckless move, he was barely functioning, and because far too many mistakes were being made, all plans had to be put aside while he finally dealt with his health.

The death of his Princess had unhinged him.  She was the only woman he had ever loved even though he was surrounded by lovely ladies who kept him warm at night.  But that particular Princess had been the only one to move his heart enough to make him want to smile, to see her smile and to make her smile.  And at 300,000 years of age, he had lived long enough to know what love truly was.

After a small service where a temple was erected in her memory, his advisers did their best to get him into his meditation cave, but only his Princess had the ability to order him into anything. Now stumbling through the richly carpeted and ornately carved marble corridors to his chamber, Tengfei called for his Starlord, a young man with a rather cute face but a mind as sharp as a doubled edged blade.

"I am going to give myself two weeks, that is all I am willing to give.  The day I emerge from seclusion, we will finish this war." he said red eyed and in pain.  

Looking at him for a brief few seconds, the puffy cheeks and cracked lips were enough to know that his Master was not well and two weeks was not enough time.  He might be a High God and hold immense knowledge and power, but he was not infallible.  If anything, he had decided a long time ago, that both his Master and The War God were fools.  But one gave him enough wealth to live comfortably, the other did not.  So he bowed his head respectfully and left the man to rest.

Taking himself out into the main parlour where the Generals were talking among themselves, he did not interrupt, instead he listened quietly to what was looking to be a uprising.  They may have managed to secure thousands of extra soldiers and beasts, but their Overlords lack of control over his emotions that saw him lose almost all of his cultivation, meant he could barely call himself a High God, let alone an Overlord and many were beginning to wonder just how viable another war would be,

They too lost thousands of lives in that last battle, and it seemed as if Tengfei had cared only for his Princess.  He had not attended a single funeral for their people, and nor did he offer any words of comfort either.

"I say, we either insist that this next war be put on hold, or we mutiny." One very brave soul suggested.  Being in the Grand Parlour where they could all be heard was exceptionally foolish, but as the Starlord watched on, he realized, that though no one spoke in favour of either suggestion, there was a definite vibe in the room that said they were all in agreement with his second suggestion.

Unsure what to do, he left as quietly as he entered.  If he was to inform his Overlord, it would mean a very handsome reward, but if he said nothing, and they were caught, he would suffer dearly from the backlash.   Tengfei was as unpredictable as he was brutal, and everyone regardless of who they were would suffer dearly.

Deciding that his own survival was far more important than his Generals or even world peace, he quickly made his way back to his Overlords meditation chamber.


Rising the following Morning, The Empress prepared a large hearty breakfast.  Cook was not really something she was skilled at, but she did enjoy it, so her food was always tasty regardless, though it took far more dishes and time to complete a meal than if Feng Jiu prepared it.  Even Mi Gu could cook a decent meal, but he hated cooking, he only did if there was no one else around.

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