Capítulo Catorce

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Chapter 14

Damnit, why can't I tell what Arsen's thinking? Every time I look at him, his eyes seem to be distant, calculative, absolutely lost in thought.

What is he even thinking of? How a unicorn gets mad?

Actually, wait, that's what I'm thinking of, so the unicorn theory is off the list.

And that damn cab loves taking his goddamn time, doesn't he? We've been waiting here for so long I almost thought I'd died for a second.

Ameena lent me her pretty black clumps since she knew it would be freezing in Canada, and she was totally right.

I look over at Arsen again.

UGH, why isn't he talking to me?!

Personally, I think I did nothing to deserve a silent treatment this bad.

Wait, this is Arsen we're talking about, he doesn't forgive anyone that quickly! Probably not even his dog. Does he have a dog?

Of course not, Xanthe, snap out of it!

Okay, okay.

Suddenly, a sleek, dark blue car pulls up in front of us, the windows rolled down to reveal an Italian man.

Ah, so Sarge is here, is he?

'Course he is.

I walk up to the impressive auto, and Arsen opens the back door for me without so much as glancing and then shuts it with a bang once I'm in. I actually jump a little.

He then proceeds to make his way to the front and gets in himself, glaring at Sarge who sheepishly smiles back.

As we leave the parking lot, I turn around so I can look and see if I left anything behind, but as soon as I do, a black car that had been parked next to ours suddenly reverses out of its slot and follows us out.

But obviously, I don't take much notice.

Mainly because we're driving toward the only exit in the parking lot. And even if the car does look a bit sketchy, I don't give it another thought.

We were driving for a while now, and I wondered how far Ameena's mom's house was since we were going to be staying with her.

But when Sarge turned a corner on one of the streets, I had this sudden urge to look back and see if the car was still there...

I almost had a heart attack when I realized that it was.

Arsen didn't seem to notice since him and Sarge were arguing about Sarge being late all the time. And Sarge, his bodyguard, who is meant to see everything, and protect him, didn't notice either.

I decided to watch for a while, to see if the black car with the shaded windows was actually following us, and when our car picked up the pace, and we turned a few times, the car was still there!

That's when I started to panic.

Once Arsen and Sarge stopped their bickering, I decided to speak up before I completely lost it.



"Arsen?" My voice rises a little higher, frustrated.

More of his stupid silence.

"Arsen!" Not a call, a demand. I hear a sharp intake of breath from the front.

Definitely Arsen.

"Arsen, seriously, you need to hear me out," I start.

"What?" He finally snaps.

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