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I thought something big would happen. Like when I kissed him and saw the color green, vibrant and inviting.

But I got nothing.

I wasn't expecting fireworks or a shift in the air or something like that. I was just expecting something more.

I was at least expecting him to kiss me.

But instead I got a hug. A freaking hug.

I tell the boy I love him back and he hugs me.

And worst of all, he left afterwards.


"Shit," Jimin cursed, reaching into his pocket for his ringing phone. "Hello? Yes, I'm sorry," he sighs. "I'll be right there."

"Mom?" I ask, feeling a little down after our encounter.

"Yeah, I need to go help her with dinner," he explains. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He scratches the back of his neck. "Hey, let me drive you," he offers and my eyes go wide.

"How about I drive?" I suggest instead. He nods and stands up, going in for another hug. It gets awkward when we both go to the same side and have to back up, going in again for the real hug.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he nods, stepping back and heading for the door. He gives me a little wave before he disappears into the night.


So here I was, sitting in my car, sweating thinking about having to drive him to school.

What would we talk about?

It seemed like all we had to talk about was the problem between us. We'd used it as a buffer these past few days. But now that everything was out in the open, it felt nearly impossible to be normal with him.

Now it was weird. And me not being versed in relationships, had no idea how to make it not weird.

"Hey," Jimin's voice enters the car as he opens the door. He's smiling wide and it makes me feel a little more comfortable. "You look pretty," He smiles, not at all the seemingly shy and awkward boy who I said 'I love you' to last night.

"Oh," I gulp. "Thank-Thank you?" I say, but it sounds like a question.

"Hey," Jimin chuckles. "I know I was weird last night and I'm sorry," he reaches out and grabs my hand, making me tense all over. "It wasn't myself. I was so shocked that you actually reciprocated my feelings that I was a total loser," he blushes. "But I'm okay now, and I promise I'll make it up to you," he leans down and places a kiss to the top of my hand, making the spot tingle.

Green// pjm ||on hold||Where stories live. Discover now