Chapter 5

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Harry woke up to the most beautiful vision, as the events of the previous night slowly came back to him.

Draco was sprawled on his stomach, arms spread across the bed, his face peaceful and relaxed. He looked so young and vulnerable like that, so fucking perfect that Harry's heart clenched when he remembered this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Draco like that, so oblivious to the rest of the world. He shrugged the feeling away and focused on the present, staring raptly at the perfect lines of Draco's body, the curve of his gorgeous half-covered arse, the beautiful, soft blond hair, to his slightly parted full lips. Harry wanted nothing more than to ravish him right here and then.

He got up and headed to the bathroom instead.

He took a long shower, resisting the urge to touch himself as he tried to block the memories from the previous night. What was the point in dwelling in that anyway? As glorious as it had been, it was only a one-off, something Harry had done as a favour to Draco in a way, but nothing had changed; in the end, Draco still had to marry Astoria Greengrass so there was really no need for Harry to agonise about something that could never be.

He went out of the shower and dried himself thoroughly. For the first time this weekend, he wished he could just go home and vegetate in front of the telly. But no, they still had to go through most of the day here. He would do that, and then they would go home. Well, Draco would go back to his own flat, since there would be no need for him to stay at Harry's anymore.

Fuck. He needed to get a grip on his life. Draco was right. He needed to go out more and find a new boyfriend, someone who didn't have to marry some pure-blood witch for the sake of a fucking bloodline, someone uncomplicated, someone nice and easy to be with. He would let go of Draco, and stop pining over him, because that couldn't lead to anything good.

When he entered the bedroom again, Draco was still asleep. He tiptoed out of the room, opting to take a walk in the beautiful gardens, to clear his mind and take advantage of the early morning sun.

He went through the long corridor, the antique Persian rug muffling his footsteps. He passed several heavy wooden doors - probably more guest bedrooms - and soon reached the beautiful oak staircase. He had his hand on the banister and was about to go down the stairs, when voices caught his attention further away on his right. They were coming from the corridor facing theirs, where Harry had never been. Maybe there were private conference rooms over there?

It wasn't Harry's business in any way, so he started down the stairs but froze again as this time, something attracted his attention. He wondered for a second if he had not dreamt it, but then, he heard it again, and this time, there was no mistake about it.


They were talking about Draco.

Harry took a look at the stairs. Deep inside, he knew he should just forget about it and go down for his walk. That was the reasonable thing to do.

And that's why of course, Harry forgot all about reason and found himself walking stealthily down the other corridor. He cast a Muffliato over himself in order not to be heard and looked for the origin of the voices. He didn't have to go far; the fourth door on the right was slightly open and he could hear the voices more clearly now. Harry flattened himself on the wall right next to it and then very slowly brought his head through the crack of the door.

From what Harry could see, the room was in fact an office of some sort. There were three people in the smoky room, although Harry could only see one of them. Meehan was smoking a huge cigar, a glass of what looked like Firewhisky in his hand. Wasn't it a little bit early for Firewhisky? Harry thought fleetingly. He recognised the voices of the other two as those of Langdon and Loras.

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