The Slam Book

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Hello everyone! Alyssa here! With the collaboration and help of Kelsie (from @Kelshizzle), we came up with: The Slam Book.

For those who are unfimiliar with the term Slam Book, heres a brief description of what this is:

A Slam Book is a book (either virtual or real) that is passed amongst a group of people, generally a high school or middle school in real life, or though email or social networking websites if virtual. The keeper of the book (that would be me) starts by posing some questions (of any subject) and the book is then passed on to another person who must answer the questions written by the keeper. The next person who gets the book must write a new column. 

In usual Slam Books, the answers are mean or cruel, but in this one we want you to stay as nice, kind, and thoughful of the other contributers feelings. This is a rule. If anyone posts anything harsh in any way, the book will be reported and/or confiscated by the Wattpad team. Here are the rules:

1. Answers must remain nice. If the answers written are foul, cruel, or mean towards an individual than the Slam Book will be confiscated or reported by the Wattpad team. 

2. You must answer every question genuinely. If you lie, nothing goes against you. But, you have the guilt feeling of everyone knowing that you're lying.

3. NEVER DELETE THE BOOK UNLES YOU HAVE PERMISSION BY THE KEEPER. You must never delete the book unless you come to me, Alyssa Tanner, and ask. If it is deleted, we'll just start again.

4. Participation is not mandatory. If you choose not to participate, then please let our other users know by writing it on your Bio, sending a message to fans, or just telling the person who sent you it to give it to a different person.

5. Exchange through emails. The exchange will be through email, usually, because Private Messaging may not allow a certain amount of characters.

There you have it! Enjoy!

The Slam Book (Now with @TannerThanYou)Where stories live. Discover now