Question Column 2: This or That

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Coke or Pepsi: Coke~@Lyss_likeaboss

Sweet or Sour: Sour~@Lyss_likeaboss

Blonde or Brunette: Both~@Lyss_likeaboss

Kiss or Hug: Kiss :* ~@Lyss_likeaboss

Summer or Winter: ...Swuminter?~@Lyss_likeaboss

Spring or Fall: Fall~@Lyss_likeaboss

Twitter or Facebook: Twitter!~ @Lyss_likeaboss

Kik or Instagram: Instagram~@Lyss_likeaboss

Text or Call: Text~@Lyss_likeaboss

Fries, Plain or W/ Ketchup: With ketchup!!~@Lyss_likeaboss

KFC or Chick-fil-a: Chick-fil-a! <3~@Lyss_likeaboss

Surfing or Swimming: Surfing bro!~@Lyss_likeaboss

 Reading or Writing: Gahhh...both!~@Lyss_likeaboss

Morning or Night: Morning~@Lyss_likeaboss

Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!! Yumm~@Lyss_likeaboss

Music or Books: Sorry!~@Lyss_likeaboss

Math or Science: Science. BOO MATH!~@Lyss_likeaboss

English or History: English, duh~@Lyss_likeaboss

Titanic or The Notebook: The Notebook, haha!~@Lyss_likeaboss

The Voice or X Factor: GRAAAHHHH. Both!!~@Lyss_likeaboss

Chick-flicks or Comedy: Chick-flicks..or Rom-Coms (even though thats not a question)~@Lyss_likeaboss

Rom-Com or Horror: Rom-Com!! HAAAH.~@Lyss_likeaboss

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