dream in a dream | seulgi

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dream in a dream by godrics on tumblr

"This food is really good, Seulgi," you mutter through a mouth full of food, "You've outdone yourself."

Seulgi smiles lightly before saying nonchalantly, "I dreamt about you last night."

You choke on the food in your mouth, coughing and Seulgi sends you a concerned look like she didn't just say that she dreamed about you last night, patting your back comfortingly.

"You- you what?" You ask again, staring at her with wide eyes, your mouth parted.

"I dreamt about you last night," she repeats, shoving a piece of food into her mouth.

You start choking on seemingly nothing again, and Seulgi pats your back hard, making you stop.

"Um," you swallow, "W-what was it about?"

Seulgi smiles, glancing up at you and saying, "We were watching the Purge, and you grabbed onto my hand."

"Is . . . that all?" You ask after she says nothing.

After swallowing her food, she says, "No, we . . . did things." Catching your glance, she smiles slightly, "No, not that much of bad things . . . Just kissing. That's all, nothing more."

"Oh," you weren't sure if you were disappointed or not, "Okay."

"Okay," Seulgi repeats, sending you a sweet smile before she opens her mouth, "Do you want to do what we did in my dream?"

Your eyes widen but you start to hear a ringing sound, and before you can say anything else, your eyes snap open.

You lift yourself up onto your hands, looking around with a shocked look on your face. Seulgi . . . she said . . . No, that was a dream. Not real.

"What the hell was that about?" You mutter to yourself before looking towards your phone that was ringing, reading Seulgi's name and gulping.

"Hi," you greet when you answer, "What's up?"

"Did I wake you up?" There's concern in her voice and it's so much different from the one in your dream-- how could you have ever thought that other dream was real?

"No, I just, I was washing my face when you called," you say, even though a yawn escapes out of your mouth no matter how much you try to hide it from Seulgi.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Seulgi says, "I was going to ask if we could go eat lunch today, but since you're tired we can do it another day."

"No, no, it's fine!" You glance at the time, "I should be getting up anyway, pick me up? My car's still in the shop."

"Of course, see you then."

When she hangs up, you sigh, falling back onto your bed.

If only it were real.

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