Rumors Part 2

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The words shatter everything in me. I was paralyzed, stung, I felt so numb. "Rider... please don't... I tell you the truth, who told you this?" I tried calming him down. "I told you to leave!" Rider's hands pushes me down onto the cold concrete. That was it, we were done. He made it official, but I just wish it wasn't true. "Rider..."

"Forgive me."


"Forgive me," Goggles croaks not even looking at me in the eye. He then runs off with tears falling like water falls, then I noticed what was on his leg. Cuts, one shaped as a heart. Maybe I shouldn't have yelled at him, but I'm just so mad he cheated with me. And with Aloha? Two other girls? What do they have that I don't? I continue doing my normal walking routine quietly into the crowded Square. It's never usually this busy, maybe it's because that stupid Emperor team is here just to bug me. They always stole the spotlight whenever they enter the room with their milky eminence coats, their milky white emperals, and that one piercing. It really annoys me how they all match, but it's not them without them on. Just minding my own business until I get one big slap to the face from Emperor. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" I jump, clutching my cheek that hurt. "Clueless boy, per usual," Emperor rolls his eyes. "What the hell is your problem?" I stared at this ridiculous face.

"My problem? Haha, please, I'm not the one who's believing these ridiculous rumors," Emperor chuckles. "Oh? You think this is all a lie? All a stupid game that Goggles made up?" I shake my head at him. "Rider, I actually know something that you don't," Emperor's tone of voice became serious, which actually never really happens, or what I've witnessed. He then views what's around us, "But I can't tell you here, let's go somewhere else..." He takes my hand and leads me into a empty ally way and into a corner. "Goggles didn't want you to know this, but..." Emperor begins, I saw deep sadness in his eyes like he saw something so terrible and felt bad. "Rider, Goggles is being brutally jumped. Every noon, Goggles gets found by your teammates and they beat him to literal pulp. If it wasn't for Prince, Goggles would've been dead right now." No... that's not true. Goggles... why? And my teammates? "Th-That's not true! My teammates never do squat... they just sit at home and-" "Oh? Is that so? Then tell me Rider, where did you get this rumor from?" Emperor irritably folded his arms. "My... teammates... did..." I stutter. Shit. It is actually is them, and... after all I've done for them. And Goggles... Poor, poor Goggles. "Exactly." Emperor nods. "W-Wow... I... don't know what to say..." I shake, I started to felt something, I never felt before in my life. "Then don't speak, don't you feel like the worst person?"

Emperor left me in the alleyway, I was still standing there. These past two weeks I've never noticed, how could I be so fucking stupid! "Goggles, you should of told me!" I accidentally shout out loud, but... I can't be so much of a hypocrite. I've been in his shoes once before. But who really gives a damn about a life story right now, I need to have a talk with my so called teammates. My legs push off of the ground and I sprinted to my so called home. I slam open the door and there they sat. "Ahhh~ Rider! You're back!" Bamboo Hat cheers happily. The other two wave awkwardly. "Explain to me, WHY THE FUCK YOU HURT GOGGLES!" I scream at the three. "OH NO HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS HE KNOWS HE KNOWS!" Stealth Goggles cries. "SHUT UP STEALTH GOGGLES! Don't mind him, he has been still drugged with that dental gas thing," School Uniform shoos at him. I so knew it. "So you're asking why we did it I presume?" "Well duh, I just asked that," I tell them and they all looked at me like I was a dumbass.

"He took you from us." Bamboo Hat stutters. "Took me?" I chuckle, but all their faces looked ashamed. "Because you liked Goggles the two girls got jealous of you two being so close they wanted to end you to. They dragged me into this because I over heard and was about to tell you. They made me hold him down and...." Stealth Goggles kept going on and on about what happened and why I shouldn't be horrible mad at him. "I don't care that you got dragged into this mess what I'm disappointed is that you did it," I growl at him. "So you're not mad?" Bamboo Hat's ears perk up. "No! I'm so pissed at all of you! That's just a stupid reason to bully him!" I growled. "And I trusted you guys... rrrrgh! I'm so fucking done!" I was starting to lose it all. Goggles, I'm so sorry. Wait... GOGGLES! I need to apologize, I... need to make sure he's okay!

I dash out of the weak wooden door and ran to Goggles house. How could I been such a fool?! Goggles probably hates me now, but I so deserve it! My heart was pounding so hard it could just break all my bones. All I need to know if he's okay. Finally, there stood Goggles' house. It's like the whole world just stopped as I inched to the door. My hand, shaking so hard I could barely turn the doorknob. Then I heard a thump coming from the inside, a burst of an unknown feeling just forcefully opened the door, looking in was so empty and cold. "Goggles?" I call out his name looking all around his house. The door to the bathroom door was creak open just a little, and I accidentally step on something. I looked down, his pair of Goggles, and the glass of the goggles was cracked. And there was paper attached to them. As I was walking towards the bathroom, I read the note.

Dear Rider

If you're reading this, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner about me being bullied, you probably just found that out too. Maybe it could've been all avoided if I done something. I don't blame you, I don't blame anyone. It's all my fault in the end. I just had to take these pills of my free will.

Please don't be mad at them, me, or anyone for that matter. Please don't cry over me either, I'm not worth shedding tears over, nobody would miss me anyway. Plus, I probably just ruined your whole life.

I however will and forever miss you dearly.
I love you with all my heart.

I dropped the note and swung open the door and I couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes widen with sudden tears... Oh god no... Goggles... Goggle was on his side with pills scattered around him, his mouth ovulating with white ooze. "Goggles!" I run over to his half dead body and called an ambulance. Why? Why would you... why could you?! I was sobbing so hard, it reminded me so much of my mother. My only family, gone. Now the only person I truly did love... dying. The ambulance rushed to the house and took Goggles, at least the ambulance lights weren't off, but I felt so heartbroken holding onto his pilot goggles...

Please don't go...

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