day 9

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Day Nine: What lion would you pilot?

The black lion is in control, and requires a born leader to pilot it. The others need to be able to follow without question.

The red lion is the fastest, but also hotheaded and difficult to master. It relies more on instinct than skill alone. 

The Green Lion is the most technical of the lions. It is analytical and daring, and requires the pilot to share the same traits. 

The Blue Lion is the friendliest and most accepting of the Lions. It is very adaptable and picks paladins with lots of untapped potential. Would be loyal, caring, and sympathetic.

The yellow lion is the most caring and selfless of the lions, and it puts their needs of others above its own.

(The information i got the above from )

So if i had to pick a lion I would say the blue lion or yellow lion. Hunk is a cinnamon roll, he sweet and nice. Lance is very understanding.

And I am very understanding and nice once you get to know me and loyal to those who gave me their trust and loyalty, but sometimes i can be hotheaded who pretends everything is fine.

So i think i would pilot the blue lion
Plus blue is my Favorite color
Tell me what lion you would pilot!
See ya on day 10

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