Chapter Two ~ Anxious

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Virgil blushed, and stood up. "I- I'm going back to my room, bye, Roman..." Virgil quickly walked/ran back to his room and immediately, started feeling anxious. It's his whole thing, anyway. His mind started racing like crazy. Was that harsh, or, what? Does he hate me, or does it make sense, or... He sighed. "I wonder if I can just stay here for the next few days...."
The next day, Thomas started recording a Sanders Sides video, and everyone was waiting for Virgil to show up. After a few minutes of calling in different ways (Roman: Just yelling, Patton: Being nice, Logan: Nothing, Thomas: Also trying to get him over), Logan sighed. "Please say we don't have another 'Accepting Anxiety' scenario on our hands."
"No, I saw him yesterday, he was ... fine," Roman said, faltering.
Thomas quickly said to the camera, "Give us a second, guys, we'll be right back." He shut off the recording and muttered, "Where is he?"
"Give me a second, I'll check his room," Roman said, sinking out.
Virgil was sitting on his couch and staring at the ceiling when Roman entered.
"Roman, you can't just come in here!" Virgil said, startled.
"We need you for a video."
"Uhg, fine..."
A little bit later, Patton and Thomas approached Virgil, and Patton said, "We were worried! Why weren't you coming?"
"I was... sleeping," he said, lying through his teeth.
"Oh, well, you do need sleep."
Virgil left quickly and went to Roman's room. He opened the door and saw Roman dramatically monologuing in the mirror.
"Hey there, Princey."
"GAH! You can't just come in here, Virgil!"
"Eh. You came in my room."
"True. But still! Why are you even in here?"
"Wanted to talk. You know."
"Eugh, I'm busy...."
"Come on. You're just talking to a mirror."
"It's called acting!"
"Sure, sure."
"So what's up? I guess I have to talk to you..." Roman had decided to try to be nicer to Virgil, considering what had happened last night.
"Eh, there's this one guy... I kinda like him... I've been dropping the most obvious hints ever for like ages now and it's like he doesn't even notice. No response."
"Wow, he sounds stupid."
"Nah, not stupid, he's kinda smart, just dense."
"Maybe you should be more obvious? Like, 'Hey! I love you!'"
"Guess you're right. Hey Princey, I love you."
"See, just say that!"
"Holy fu..." he muttered under his breath.
"If that flies over his head, then, sorry Virge, but he's too dumb for you."
"Roman..." Virgil sighed. "You know what? Maybe it's too early." He walked out, leaving Roman there, confused. Who even is it?
Virgil sighed when he got to his room, and started laughing a bit. He really was kinda stupid. That whole effort was stupid, anyway, why did he think Roman would like him? He hated him, for God's sake. Wonder if he's figured it out yet.

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