❃ One ❃

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I wouldn't really want to see life as a simple easy going, straight small sliver of water. I want it to be seen as a vast ocean. Admired for its beauty, feared for the unknown and discoveries found underneath deep within, curious of how far it could last and how much more of the eye could see. It can be either shallow or deep, depending on how you'd view it. Does that sound too cliche to you?

Min Yoongi may have been living, but his life seemed so organized. Against the usual angst sea of young adults that suffered with anxiety and fears if they could make it to graduation. He was a man that could keep himself together despite the loud parties that happened above or underneath him in his dorm. He never took note of everything happening around him, only the words scripted out by his teachers and the words written onto the board. It wasn't rowdy for him, but it wasn't so peaceful either. He got into an amazing college, lucky to have such a smart minded brain and has a dorm to himself. The only thing that bugged him is that he tends to forget something, but not sure of what. It drove him insane to the point that he set an assignment to the side and thought the whole day of what was missing.

Kim Seokjin shares a room with his best friend since middle school, Taehyung. Seokjin works part time after his lectures, and whenever he has time he would go out to distract his mind and laugh along with his buddies to live a good time. Earning money, having fun with friends, he just felt fine where he was. At least he thought till a handfull of jealous groups would pick on him here and then because he would gain feelings for a student, Park Jimin. Seokjin liked how cool Jimin would be with many sides to him, yet so dominant in many ways. Jin never saw things more than a simple crush unfortunately.

The two, Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin, happened to live right next to each other.

Like any other day, it begun and so did the worries and studies of students to look forward to. The agenda strictly organized and messily clumped together managing somehow to survive. Min Yoongi woke up with a headache. He found it strange as to why the sudden headache when he swore he slept early, so he blames the possibilities onto the daylight saving ending. After putting on his uniform, he walked out his dorm, greeted by a scenario of Seokjin and his friend, Taehyung, holding a small feud between each other.

"Yah! You cant blame me! You stayed up late watching anime on my phone, especially without me and my permission!" Seokjin sulked. "For the third time! Your Hyung is sorry for what he did and will pay up to the mistakes! I promise." Taehyung cooed at Seokjin's grumpy face. The two kept bickering until they noticed their Austere neighbor, Min Yoongi. "Ah, good morning Hyung!" Seokjin smiled brightly at the other. Min Yoongi returned a light glare and turned his back on the other as he began his way to his lectures. Taehyung comforted the pouting Seokjin once again.

Exams were close to being over as so was Seokjin's ability to keep staying awake from the lack of social and fun the past few days as he spent it on studying late at night. Taehyung didn't have to worry over this as he had the brains from his lovely family. He would use free time to catch up on whatever he missed if he ever failed to appear at a lecture. Min Yoongi was working on his worksheets and came to a halt when a few students tried to sneak at asking for answers or attempts to look at them. Of course they faced away when they caught a glimpse of his glare and the annoyed sigh he'd emit. The person he's less annoyed with is Seokjin. They had the same elementary school together and he'd tend to be sitting off in a corner away from the group of kids as he studied. Seokjin made many attempts to befriend Yoongi like a little duckiling following after him every where he went in that classroom. During nap times, wherever Yoongi slept, Jin slept next to him. Seokjin felt he could be friends with Yoongi till the other would suddenly push him off or reject him of his ideas. When Yoongi would use dull colors for his drawing book, Seokjin would lend him a colorful pink crayon and a few pretty bright colors and started to scribble on the dull colored paper. This made Yoongi feel mixed emotions and threw him off balance and in response he threw Seokjin's crayon away. He received a time out while he created a rejected Seokjin crying into the adults arms.

Regardless of Yoongi's suspicious feelings for Seokjin, he wouldn't mind having the other around him as he was so used to being followed. They probably would've grown up to be good friends if Seokjin didn't move. His Father gained a promotion which cause his family to move places and include a movement for the little one. The day Seokjin left, was the first time Min Yoongi wanted to hug him.

    "Yoongi Hyung, did you ever see the message I sent you? I asked if you wanted to hang out on our week off so you can relax yourself." Seokjin smiled. "No, I'll reject." Min Yoongi said bluntly in return. "I'll ask again tomorrow then!" Seokjin skipped off when the time for lunch came.
Min Yoongi sighed as he rubbed his temples

I swear I feel like today is gonna be more than usual.

"Jimin Hyung!!" Seokjin ran up to Jimin before he made his way to the dance studio to practice during lunch as usual. Seokjin smiled bashfully as he stood before the other, his wild excited heart beating as he nervously handed over a home made lunch box. Jimin appreciated Seokjin as he took the time to actually make him lunch before his practice routine. In the same reply he ruffled Seokjin's hair and sent a wink. "Maybe next time when you have time you could come see me practice?" Seokjin nodded "I-I'll be sure to come see that when I can!!" Seokjin saw Jimin off as he ran in the distance. Coincidentally, he spots Yoongi afar and made his way to the, distracted by a book in his hand, other. Seokjin hugged Yoongi from behind to form a new scenario and giggled innocently "Yoongi hyung, will you answer my question?" Yoongi sighed sternly and shook Seokjin off. He was already annoyed with a bothersome headache and turned to Seokjin as he delivered a terrifying glare. "I said no already and we will keep it that way. Now get your ass out of here and head back to Taehyung before I make you regret ever knowing me." Seokjin pouted and teared up as he felt frustrated he couldn't spend some time and sit down to get to know Yoongi better. He stomped off as his vision blurred by the tears, leaving behind a guilty Yoongi as he was reminded of elementary days when he would push off a clingy Seokjin.

What a day.


So, how is it? Is it bad? Good?

Let me know. I wanna kno-- GIRL LET ME KNOW, GIRL LET ME KNO-- please let me know. I gots to know. I do has to know. If you guys enjoy it then I'm glad to satisfy your YoonJin Bottom Jin shiet. It's 01:10 and I'm very tired, but worth staying up to work on this chapter for you guys. Good Night, and I love you guys 💜

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