❃ Two ❃

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"Taehyung Hyung! Did you drink my last banana milk?" Seokjin groaned as he came back to the dorm after lectures only to find it gone and just a few food items sitting in the mini fridge. Guilty as charged, Taehyung nodded and smiled with his boxy lips. "Don't worry, Jinnie~ Your Hyung can give you special banana milk, if you want?" Jin huffed and shook his head from the dirty joke that left Taehyung's lips. He felt his phone vibrate and then a hit of realization plowed him. His phone alarm cries out and constantly ringing notes with the notification along that constantly shout out "Be at work in 5 minutes." Seokjin said his quick farewell to Taehyung and got ready for work and bursted out the dorms. He runs into Yoongi on the way, but didn't bother to give the other a greeting. Yoongi noticed this and oddly felt flustered on how to react since the younger would immediately go up to him and bother him. Not this time.

  Seokjin worked for hours at a small restaurant.  His earnings are decent thanks to his college fellows along with passing groups of people that come in the afternoon till late evening, coming in to eat and hang out. Seokjin finally gets off work close to midnight. The young one felt exhausted mentally and physically. "Good job working today! See you later!" Seokjin nods at his coworker, Hoseok. "Yea, see you later Hoseok!" He walked out the building and made his way back to the dorms with a small headache mixed in with his sleepiness.
Arriving at the dorms, he goes to his 'room' and opened the door. The moment he spots the beds, he immediately passed out the first he lays on a bed.

   Yoongi heard his dorm door open which baffled him since he is the only to be in that dorm as he dislikes roommates. Dropping his studies, he checks out the sound and spots the passed out male on his bed. This threw mixed emotions throughout his body. "Yah, get out of here. This is my room-" his eyes widened lightly when he turned the male on his back, the face he stared at and recognized- Kim Seokjin.  Yoongi growled under his breath and sat next to the younger. He crossed his arms over his chest and exhaled a sigh, wondering what to do with the Male as he wouldn't wake up from a simple shake. He grins evily as he had a mindset of a prankster into the moment. After a trip from the kitchen, he held a bucket of water over the younger's face ready to splash it over his head and watch him drown temporarily due to the water dripping down his nose. However, Yoongi stopped in his tracks as he stares at Seokjin's face more.

His eyes asleep look so nicely shaped, his nose and his cheeks.. then his-
Yoongi found his face turning lightly red as he stared at the plump perfectly shaped lips. He gulped and set the bucket of water down. Before he knew it, he was on top hovering over Seokjin. The temptation into wanting to kiss those lips- he gently stared at the other's face and debated. Yoongi leans in only to be abruptly interrupted by Seokjin's phone ringing. Yoongi swiftly picks it up as the device laid next to Seokjin's side. He looked at the nametag and sighed as he read 'Taehyung'. He answered the call only to receive a booming voice ring through his ear "Yah Kim Seokjin!! Do you know how late it is!? Where are you?? You're usually at the dorm right on time, but you're 30 minutes late!" Yoongi sighed and scratched the back of his nape.
"Next door. He's in my dorm. Come pick him up, he interrupted my studies." He hung up and looked down at the resting Seokjin. He gently caressed Seokjin's cheek and stared at his face, leaning in and softly pecked his lips and quickly sat up. Getting himself together he stood from the bed and shook the younger a bit more harshly. "Get up. You're in my dorm- Taehyung is looking for you." Seokjin woke up sleepily- barely awake. He stares up at Yoongi until he realizes of the situation and snaps into fully awakening from his interrupted sleep. "Min Yoongi!?" Yoongi twitched from Seokjin's shocked expression. Out of the blue, he unexpectedly pinned Seokjin onto the bed. "You going to leave or not? Unless you wanted to do this?" Seokjin stuttered and felt flustered. He squirmed lightly until a chill ran down his spine as he felt something wet graze against his neck. He let out a small mewl and turned his eyes of direction to Yoongi. The other had a smirk on his face as he looked down at the young prey. "Did you purposely come into my room to get this? Is that why you like to be with me every time you see me?" Seokjin shook his head and grew a little scared. "No! That's not..what I want..!" Yoongi examined Seokjin's eyes and the slightly terrified expressions. He got off of Seokjin, sitting at the edge of the bed.


"Yoongi Hyung-"


Seokjin was aware of the atmosphere slowly suffocating him that grows from Yoongi's annoyance. The younger did as he was told and rushed out the older's dorm after gathering his things then rushed into the one next door.  His actual dorm that made him feel safe.

  Yoongi stayed seated on the bed as he could hear a faint voice lecturing another in the dorm next door. His headache kicked in and he sighed softly.

What did I just do? The fuck is wrong with you Min Yoongi?

Min Yoongi grew tired of the thoughts and the headache along with the mix up of rooms and decided to turn in the towel earlier than usual and rest up.


So- Is it doing good so far? It's slow I know- I'm sorry >< !
I luckily took the time (finally) to write and got this one done fast AH HA! I feel accomplished.  Anyway, I hope I get to upload more in the future. That's my goal for starting off this New Year. Instead of New year New me BS- Imma set goals. 

This is one of them.

I lauv yuu alllllll!!!!!!!!!

Hearteu <3

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