❃ Three ❃

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Seokjin and Taehyung had plans for tonight to hang out and enjoy their small break off from lectures and studies that they were on top of majority of the time.

The two were hanging around the bars and party all night that Jimin would happen to be there sometimes, so Seokjin including Jimin would end up dancing together and drinking. Although, an unexpected turn was an outcome that Taehyung and Seokjin thought wasn't possible.

One night, Taehyung  and Seokjin were getting ready for the party at Jimin's place off the campus. When the two exotic their dorm, they spot Min Yoongi hanging outside his door. Leaning against the doorway, his mind stuck in a daze at the other side of the hallway.

"Yoongi?" Seokjin questions

Yoongi turned to look at Seokjin. He was flustered at what to say when he saw the outfit Seokjin wore:

Grey crop top complimented with a few red and blue stars, black tight jeans, and light dangling earing that tickle against his neck. His lightly messy hair that fits for his sexy styled makeup. Sexy?

Yoongi grew baffled from the thought and shook his head. He faces Seokjin and looked at the younger

"Where are you going dressed like that?"
Seokjin huffed and stood by Taehyung's side and held to his folded arm. "I'm going out."

"Where to though?" Seokjin looked down at the ground "If I told you are you gonna just jump on me again and try to harass me?" He lift his head to glare at Yoongi. Despite being his Hyung, Seokjin didn't show any respect after what Yoongi almost attempted on the younger. Taehyung wasn't aware this situation existed and slowly came to a curious boil. "What did Yoongi do?" Seokjin shook his head and walked the opposite direction of Yoongi. "Let's just go before we're late." Yoongi watched them both and scratched his head as he let's out a frustrating sigh.

Why the hell am I so determined to make amends? For once I was gonna admit i was in the wrong for hurting you. Now you see me as a perv. For fucksake.

Seokjin and Taehyung had arrived at the party and Yoongi was stuck in his dorm, debating whether to go after Seokjin or not.

"This is  stupid." He grabbed his jacket and ran out his dorm, inviting himself into Jimin's party.

Seokjin danced with Jimin as usual and the two were dancing much more intensely. More....sexually.

Jimin holds to Seokjin's waist and watched him swerved his hips. Watching with hooded eyes and gently biting at his lip at the imagination of what he could do to the younger and held him close to his body. Taehyung watched in envy and took his mind off of it as he dances with friends and played drinking games.

Yoongi arrived at the clustered place of sweaty dancing others. Others on top of each other as they either have fun in friendly ways or sexually. He looked around for Yoongi and had to push through others that tried to stop him in his tracks with a few dances. He didn't have time. He spots Taehyung slumped over the counter and approached him.

"Yah, Kim Taehyu- What the fuck-?"

Taehyung smiled brightly and pat Yoongi's shoulder "Yoongi hyuuung! Look at you being here!" Taehyung dragged his words and every laughter pushed out the smell of alcohol at the back of his mouth. He was drunk. Yoongi shook his head and sighed "Where's Seokjin?" Taehyung shrugged "He was dancing with Jimin. Ahh must be nice."
Taehyung drinks his jealousy away. Becoming useless information for Yoongi to search for. He searched the bar, not long before he found JinMin grinding on each other like hungry hormonal kids. Yoongi approached Seokjin and pushed Jimin off of the younger. "He's taken." He dragged Seokjin out the party until the two were standing on the curves of the sidewalks.

"Aish!" Seokjin pulled his arm from Yoongi's grip "Why are you suddenly in my business!? Who are you to bug me now when my existence was just annoying to you??"

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples from the headache forming on another mild one. "Seokjin, I don't have a good reason, but just fucking list-"

"No! You always push me away ever since elementary school and you always told me how annoy I am! After I stop bugging you, you realize now that you want me to be near you?"


Seokjin's breath hitched and stared at Yoongi with a shocked expression. He became flustered and stuck his attention to Yoongi.

"Look. I'm just here to apologize about yesterday. I was just..out of it." Yoongi looked at Seokjin and softly sighed. He took of off his jacket and wrapped it around Seokjin "you'll get cold with that top exposing your stomach like that."

Seokjin's cheeks grew a shade of pink and adverts his eyes to his stomach barely revealed. "It's fine." He looked up at Yoongi only to find the other close to his face. "Don't dance with Jimin so close like that. You'll attach yourself to him and suddenly he'll hurt you then you'll come to either Taehyung or me, the last resort, crying your eyes out."

Seokjin felt a smile slowly appear on his face and bashfully stared down to the ground. "Why do you know me so well?"

Yoongi hummed

"Because you always stayed by me."

He gently smiled.

Today was the day  I've never expected for Yoongi to open up, nor open up at all. Will I ever get to keep this up? I'm so excited.

Yoongi never felt so much weight lift off his chest in one night.


UwU how is it so far? I hope you guys enjoying it so far

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