An Old friend

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A request for a one shot with Bears Aoudio emproium. Cedar and (Y/N) where old friends but lost contact and reconectet through Facebook.

Another day went by and I did The same morning rutin as I normaly do. Wake up, wanting to go back to sleep. But knowing I cant, cuz Life aint fair.

I went to The kitchen and made (fav food) for breakfest. While eating I got a notification from Facebook. "Oh Who might this person be". I said to my self as I opend The app on my phone. "Cedar....somthings fremillier about that name I Wonder where I remember It from".

I saw a friend request from him and desided to go to his user profile. As I enterd I saw a selfi of him."Wait It cant be my old friend from high school he looks so much Alike Cedar".

I desided to accept his friend request and continued on with my day.

-A few hours later-

I sat infront of my PC whatching my favoritt show on Netflix (Fav show). I looked on my phone and saw a Facebook notification from The same guy. This time It was a messege.

Cedar: Hey...hope this dosent seem wierd but do I know you, you look like someone I used to know back in highschool.

(Y/N): I thought aswell you seemd fremilier perhaps If we Get to know eachother we could see If we are old friends.

Cedar: Sounds good.

Cedar: So what are you up too

(Y/N): well Im actually....

-A few weeks later-

You two found out you where old friends and desided to meet up in person. Suprisngly you two dint live quite far away from eachother. So meeting up was easy.

You two desided to meet up at (Fav cafe). You walked to It and saw a femilier man. You walked towords him and started to speak."Hey...are you Cedar". "You must be (Y/N) how hysje you been". He stood up and gave you a big bear hug (pun intended).

You two sat down and started to talk about your life after highschool. You found out he was doing asmr on YouTube for a living. And he found out you where (insert dream job).

"So do you enjoy YouTube". I asked him while eating (favoritt restaurant food)."I enjoy It quite much actually, and my fans always support me". He said.

"Well It sound amazing". We continued eating and after we finishd out food we gave eachother our Numbers and desided to meet up again.

And Who knows what will happen next.


Got so focused on making It on school on time cuz we got a 10% fucking bullshit. But I will start working on The other request now but It might take a while to finnish sorry ahed of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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