Mumbo AFK

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Thanks -JJOB- djdjdd


Grian huffed as he activated the machine, hearing the melody and then transitioning from the mustache falling down and the eyebrows showing.

"There!" He exclaimed to himself, still having a pouty expression on his face.

"That stupid mustache keeps getting in the way,," He murmured, turning around and beginning to walk to the water elevator. As he was sent down to the floor, he left it and propelled himself with rockets.

As he glided around Hermitcraft, with the help of rockets, he tried to see if he could spot Mumbo's mustache anywhere. Yes, he looked extremely odd without it, but it annoyed the bloody hell out of him!

It always scratched him when they kissed, it always felt so weird and itchy! A similar situation always happend whenever they decided to cuddle with eachother. It scratched against him!

So, he decided to be rid of it! It's the actual reason WHY he made the machine! Besides, Jevin's payed to remove Mumbo's mustache, so this would be fine!

A squeak came from Grian as he had landed, and never even realized it. He was too busy dwindling in his thoughts to see where he was going. One thing for sure was, it immediately clicked that he was in Mumbo's base.

He tried to fly away, but quickly realized that he had ran out of fireworks. Looking around, he began walking around. He didn't bother to check if his boyfriend was on or not.

He needed to leave, there really was no reason to be here at the moment. Sure, maybe he could tease Mumbo a bit about his mustache, but that was just a bit rude.

He quickly took notice of the empty faced Mumbo flying and landing in front of him.

Shitaki mushrooms.

"Grian I believe you have activated the machine,"

"What? Noo? Okay yes-"

"Did somebody go to the shop?"


"Then why did you activate it?"

Nervousness had began washing over the blonde brit. He didn't know how to explain that he was annoyed with the facial hair of his boyfriend.

No, not his boyfriend as in the PERSON, but infact the hair that he had above his lip. It was annoying him to death!

"Grian?" Mumbo questioned, gently shaking the blonde boy, causing him to flinch.

"Okay fine! Your mustache always scratches against me whenever we kiss or cuddle and it's bothersome!" Grian exclaimed, Mumbo catching a small pout in the other's face.

"You could've told me that, love," He replied, gently placing his hands onto the blonde brit's cheeks, cupping them. He brought him closer and set a soft kiss upon the other's lips.

"Was that better?"



That would be the end of the oneshot! I know it's pretty short, but again, I'm an uncreative piece of shit.

Words: 471

Seeya later folks!

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