Chapter One - The Dream ☁︎

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[first person]

'you have such a perfect face.' i said as i pinched his cheeks.

hehehhe thanks' he laughed back. we were inside a deep sea diving centre at the beach and it was nearly our turn to go in the water. He was getting ready and i went to take a quick shower, but when i came back, he had already gone off.

after his return i ran up to him.

'why did you leave me?' i whined.

'oh sorry about that. how about i spend all of tomorrow with you and we can just relax and cuddle?' he suggested. i jumped in excitement,

'ooh! yes please! that would be great! and we can just lie on the couch and watch everything on netflix (not that we haven't already)' he laughed at my response. i had my turn underwater and it was amazing. i saw so many beautiful fishies!

it was the next day and i had just heard a groan next to me. i smiled and turned over to see him sleeping with the pillow in his arms clutching it tightly. i stroke his fluffy hair and he immediately calms down. soon after he opens one eye and sees me there. he reaches up to give me a hug but i quickly run out of bed. i hear him sigh and he follows behind me.

'are we seriously doing this so early?' he complains.

'it's literally 11 am. it's not so early anymore buddy.' i say. his face suddenly shows determination (megalovania plays) and he smirks.

'oh, you're buddying me now are you? well let's see about that.'

he dashes over to me as i hurdle around the apartment jumping over dirty clothes and loose wires. i hide behind a drawer and wait. it's silent. i peek around the edge when i think it's safe. i see no one. i feel relieved and turn back to behind the drawer, where i am met with his face.

i screech and try to escape but it's too late. he caught me. he carried me bridal style to the couch and started attacking me with kisses. then he stopped. he leaned down and cuddled me.

'you know what i just realised?' i said.

'what?' he asked.

'we really need to clean up this place. he started to laugh. i was enjoying it until a heard a sound getting gradually louder and louder.

'jaehwa...jaehwaaa.. wake up you rat.' i hear. it's my older brother mark. i groan.

'why'd you have to wake me up at the best part?' i complain.

'best part of what?' he questioned.

'my dream.. it had a really cute guy in it but i don't even know him in real life.' i explain.

'ha. well that just bad luck for you i guess.' he says as he hits me on the back.

'ow! what was that for? why did you wake me up anyways?' i ask.

'i woke you up because donghyuck is coming over soon to have a movie marathon with me and you have to help me clean up and make the drinks and food (this is a thing me an my sister used to do irl when we were watching movies and one of our friends was over. someone would pretend to be the bartender at the cinema and get the drinks and popcorn for the other two.) for us. ok? donghyuck said he will bring blankets and pillows with him and i think he is staying over tonight so i would appreciate if you could leave us alone? maybe go with jeno somewhere?'

i sigh and get out of bed. i check the clock next to me and it reads 12:34 pm. dang it. i get ready in the bathroom and get changed then head downstairs. i cook some toast and spread on lemon butter (it's great) and eat as i help mark clean.

after maybe an hour or a half, we hear a knock on the door. mark rushes over like an excited five year old and opens the door. as soon as he sees who it is he lets out a loud 'yay!' and hugs the boy in front of him. mark leads him inside and they walk over to the counter.

'hello good sirs, what shall i get for you two today?' i say with my best french accent while playing with my fake moustache.

'hmm. we i'll get one large popcorn and two cans of fanta please.' donghyuck says.

'coming right up monsieur (it took so long to figure out how to spell that istg)!' i say walking over to the cupboard.

i grab out a bag of microwave popcorn and put it inside the microwave and turn on the popcorn setting. while that is going on, i grab two cool cans of fanta and place them in front of donghyuck and mark. i hear the beep of the microwave and mentally slap myself for not reaching it before it gets to the end. i pour it into a bowl and put it next to the drinks.

i type into my imaginary cashier and tell them the price.

'that will be two high fives please.' i receive my payment and hand over the food and drinks. i watch the two snuggle up on the couch and they turn on the tv and coo at the sight. i sneakily take a photo and run up to my room. i grab my phone and text my best friend jeno.

nojam ♨︎



can we go out to a cafe please. i kinda need to leave the house quick

why what happened?

it's mark and donghyuck again. they need the house to themselves .

oh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) understandable
how about the cafe around the corner at 2:30?

ye that should be good. i'll bring a bag with my stuff for tonight ok?

oki doki 👌

i check my clock and i see that i have half an hour to get ready. 'oops i gotta yeet.' i say and start getting ready.

woohoo! first chapter done. it's over 1000 words so that a pretty big accomplishment if i do say so myself. the dream in this story i did actually have myself but only the beach part and it was a bit more crazy and hard to explain irl. anywho, that is for ready and watch out for the next chapter, it will introduce my little pupper! it is also currently storming a lot and there is thunder and lightning so i'm quite happy because it makes me sleep well. it's a tad spoopy but i'll be fine since i have nct with me. it's 11:45 pm and i have school tomorrow so i'll get to sleep but the next chapter will either be done by tomorrow or the day after, we'll see...

anyway that's all
         bye bye!

Dream Boy - RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now