Chapter Two - Out For Coffee ☀︎

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[first person]

once i finished getting ready, i put on some acceptable clothes. i hear mark and donghyuck whispering things to each other. i silently uwued and headed out for the door where i am met with jeno. i greet him and start walking.

while we are walking towards the cafe, i start explaining your strange dream to jeno.

'and it's so weird because, i have never seen the boy in my life! but i am eager to find him now. i am filled with determination (i had to megalovania started playing).' i finish explaining as we enter the cafe. i greet one of the staff, who happens to be my younger cousin jisung. jisung only started working there a while ago because his friend's parents own the store. his friend's name is chenle and his family was quite rich but it was quite obvious because you would see him wearing gucci slides a lot.

jeno and i both ordered milkshakes and a red velvet cupcake (i always get this at a cafe near me) , with jeno attempting to flirt with jisung but all jisung does is look at him disgusted. i'm just talking while looking around the cafe until suddenly jeno stops talking to me, eyes fixed on something behind me. i turn around to see a boy with pink hair and another boy with a black cap which happens to be covering his face. i turn back to jeno who's jaw is dropped. i snap my fingers in front of him and he snaps back to reality (oh there goes gravity).

'jesus jeno, can you make it anymore obvious?' i say.

'make what more obvious?' he asks as he tilts his head to the side, meanwhile the boy with pink hair is secretly staring.

[renjun's view]

'your eyes are drilling holes in him jaemin stop it.' i say. jaemin groans quietly and looks back at me.

'can we go over to them? pleeaaaasseeeee' he starts whining. jaemin can be really annoying when he wants something, so i decided not to fight him (was bout to write fite for a second oops).

'ugh, fine' i give in. jaemin silently squeals and stands up to start walking over to their table, which luckily has four seats.

[first person]

'omo. jae-jae-jae' jeno says with panic is his voice. i look up from my phone where i was checking my instagram (quick plug my insta is ydeamn.treasure (edit: im thinking of changing it so ill probably change it ltr lol)).

'what do you want?' i say harshly.

'they-they-they..' he stuttered.

'oh my god just finished you damn sentence it's not that hard.' i reply. (im a bully hAh)

'hey! that's no way to talk to your friend. tut tut tut.' the boy with pink hair said sitting next to jeno. that meant the only seat left was next to me so cap boy sat down there. (i should've made her say sorry mum smh)

'so.. introduction time!' the boy with pink hair said enthusiastically as i continue to scroll on my phone.

'oh! and no electronics at the table!' he said while snatching away my phone while i just stared with my mouth open. i hear the boy next to me chuckle. i feel like i've heard that laugh before. eh, it's whatever.

'well, my name is na jaemin, i was born on the 13th of august 2000 and i can't really have anything with lactose in it.' jaemin says.

'hah rip' i mumble.

'hm?' he asks.

'oh nothing' i say looking up. (i'm gluten free so i can relate kinda lol)

'your turn!' jaemin says looking at jeno. jeno is caught off guard and nearly spills his milkshake but jaemin catches it in time.
'dang i really feel like a third wheel here.' i whisper to the boy next to me as we look at the two lovebirds across from us.

'yeah same here.' he replies. why do i recognise his voice? this is starting to creep me out a little. (death of a bachelor is playing dfhjfhfknkfw bhi)

after jaemin and jeno stop messing around it is cap boy's turn to introduce himself. he took of his cap and put it down on the table. and that's when it clicked. it was him. the guy from my dream. right in front of me.

i widened my eyes and quickly turned to look at jeno and mouthed to him that he was the guy from my dream. jeno's eyes shot open and he smiled gently trying to calm me down. then the boy started to speak.

'ok well, my name is huang renjun, i was born on the 23rd of march 2000 and i really like the character moomin.' so his name is renjun? nice name. i try to calm down as it is my introduction.

'uhm.. my name is jaehwa, lee jaehwa. i was born on the 5th of july 2000 and i like space i guess.' i manage to say.

'noice' renjun says. we finish our food and pay and then walk out the cafe. (thats awkward lol)


'you know what i just realised?' renjun said.

'what?' i asked. 'i'm your oppa.' (thats gay renjun) he said cheekily as i blushed. i ran ahead towards the playground to make sure i got to the swings first and started swinging. i always liked the swings because they are very relaxing to me and they help me think.

i honestly can't believe today. i have a crazy dream with a boy i've never met, and then i end up meeting him here. jeno has gotten a new crush, which will last for god knows how long, and my brother is taking over the house.

'what are you thinking about.' renjun asks, sitting down on the swing beside me.

'life' i respond.

'oh that reminds me, did jaemin ever give you your phone back?' i look up from the ground as i realise i left it at the cafe.

'dang it. i hate myself' i say as i face palm and start walking back to the cafe. renjun swiftly follows behind me after telling jaemin and jeno where i headed off to.

i enter the cafe and walk over to jisung to see him smiling as he hands me my phone.

'did you get a boyfriend?' he teased. i sighed and grabbed the phone to turn around and i nearly bump into renjun. 'ah, sorry.' i say quietly before walking back out.

by the time we reached the playground again, it is almost 6:30pm so the sun is setting. i took a photo and uploaded it to my instagram making sure to tag the rest of my friends. renjun and i start to walk back to where jaemin and jeno we're sitting to now notice jaemin lying down in jeno's lap.

'damn. how much did we miss?' i say as we walk back. they notice and quickly get out of their position with jaemin's head hitting jeno's chin. they both groan in pain and try to get better.

we hang out for a few more minutes and then say our goodbyes.

'oh! jaehwa!' renjun starts.

'yeah?' i ask.

'can you hand me your phone please?'

'sure' i say handing him my phone. i see him typing before handing it back and running off to catch up with jaemin.

'what was that all about?' jeno asked.

'i don't know.' i open my phone and i see renjun's contact. 'third wheeling buddies ☀️'

this took like twelve years oops. it's currently 12:34am and i have school this morning but we have a late start so i'm fine. is this going fast? i don't really know. im kinda crap at writing but 🤷‍♀️ i hope u dont mind all the comments i say lol
that's all
bye bye!

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