Chapter 2

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Zelda looked back at Link as he was back looking at the ground as they made their way to Zora's domain. In a way, she felt bad. After all, he was the first Hero of the Master Sword who initially failed. She was not going to bring that up, but certainly it must be weighing on his mind, no matter how little. But she also was the first descendant of the Goddess to fail officially. She said officially because the Princess who was with the Hero of Time let Hyrule fall into Ganon's clutches, but only for seven years when it was completely erased.

However, unlike then there was no going back now, no ocarina to save them from their current predicament, no harp to open gates of time. They could only move forward, and knowing this, Link and her had to do their parts to return Hyrule to glory. She had lost her father as well in that castle, in the very room she was sealed in for 100 years. But Hyrule did not need a Princess Zelda right now, it needed a Queen Zelda as Impa told her forcefully when they visited Kakariko right after defeating Ganon.

They started across the final bridge approaching the Domain where she could see the beauty of the massive structure. It looked the same as it did before the attack, it seems Ganon was only interested in attacking Hylian settlements, going as far as the Hebra mountain settlement.

She gasped when she saw the statue in the middle of the Domain. That definitely had not been there during her last visit. A beautiful monument of Luminous Stone depicting Princess Mipha stood in plain sight. She turned around to look at Link, but he seemed indifferent to it. It was almost like he was avoiding it altogether. He looked almost like a prince, in his Zora Tunic and wearing his Diamond Circlet still from his fight with Ganon.

Link thought it would be respectful to wear the Zora Tunic when they visited Zora's Domain, after all they had given it to him in place of Princess Mipha, so maybe in a way he was a prince. They hopped off their horses, and Zelda started walking the rest of the way and noticed Link was not behind her. She turned around to see him changing back into his Champions Tunic.

She gave him a questioning look, but did not say anything.

Link had decided not to wear the Zora Armor until he knew for sure what he thought about Mipha. Until then, he would keep it safely in his pack and maybe put it away back at his house at Hateno Village eventually. It frustrated him so much, regarding Zelda's earlier comment, he would rather know what he felt about Mipha so he knew what to feel rather than not know and be unsure of what to feel.

They finished their walk across the bridge and were greeted by Prince Sidon.

"Brother Link! And Princess Zelda! Congratulations on your victory, we watched from the Domain during your valiant struggle and are pleased to see you here today."

Link looked away, he just could not look Sidon in the face right now.

Zelda responded instead, "Thank you Prince Sidon, we could not have done it without your sister's help. I do hope everything is alright here since Ganon has been sealed?"

Sidon gave his usual smile, "Of course Princess! With those Lizalfos finally gone we Zora have been free to come and go as we please again. Once again, our many thanks! My father does wish to speak with you however."

Zelda nodded while Link clenched his teeth. This would be much harder than when he last spoke to King Dorephan. Maybe he would not have to speak at all. They slowly made their way up the stairs past the Hylia statue that had granted him so much power on his journey. He did not feel like praying today though.

At last they reached the top where King Dorephan sat. Zelda bowed her head and Link did the same. "Ah! There they are! I must say Zelda, you don't look much older than when I last saw you either. You should both teach me how you do it!" King Dorephan laughed, then got more serious, "But, we have important matters to discuss. This is not just a friendly visit is it Princess?"

Zelda tensed up, this would be her first diplomatic mission as the leader of Hyrule. "I have come to ask for assistance in the rebuilding of Hyrule. You have many great architects here in Zora's Domain and it would be my honor as Princess, no Queen of Hyrule to have them help with the rebuilding of Hyrule."

King Dorephan smiled, "You've got your father's way with words. Of course, I would love to help my best friends daughter. You've got a lot of work ahead, I will ease that burden anyway I can. It is what my daughter would have wanted after all."

Zelda bowed her head again, "Thank you so much for your willingness to help and your kind words. I will let you know when we will begin once I have made all the preparations." She then looked over to Link, "What about you Link? Anything you want to say?"

Link did not know what to say to his presumed father in-law to be, "Uh, thank you for all you help Your Highness during my travels."

King Dorephan laughed again, "Hah! You do not need to refer to me as so, you may call me 'Father'. Despite Mipha's passing, I am sure she would have wanted you to be treated as if she had not left this world."

Link looked down again, he felt a lot of guilt in his heart. He just could not tell King Dorephan of his issues dealing with the thoughts of Mipha. "Thank you Father" he simply added. Maybe returning to Vah Ruta would help jog his memory.

King Dorephan got a solemn look and spoke once more, this time to Sidon, "Sidon, please take Link to East Reservoir. To the spot. The cloudiness in his eyes say much more than he ever will. I feel true sorrow that Link does not remember my daughter very well, considering how close they were. It is time to show him the place and its significance."

Sidon nodded and started walking. Link decided to follow, he wasn't quite sure what King Dorephan had meant by "the spot" but if it helped him remember anything he would be grateful. Sidon led him out of Zora's Domain and to a set of stairs that led up the dam. Without words they quietly ascended the steps until they reached the top. Link was confused as to why he was brought here, there was only a bed and some wine glasses in front of him.

Then it dawned on him, why would Zora's build a bed all the way up here when they slept in water?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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