To my next lover

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To my future, I hope you do not expect too much from me.
Because I have been beaten down, stripped off of my own identity and lost myself.
I hope you will not foresee our love as a form of sacrification because I promised myself that I will not give too much of my soul to anybody else. But that does not mean I will love you any less or that I do not love you at all — it just means that this time, I'd love myself more than I would ever love you. And I will expect you to do the same.

To my future, I hope you will be understanding. I hope you will never invalidate my feelings or throw me away when I needed you the most. Just be mine, your company is enough. And when I am sad, I hope you believe me when I say I do not know how to conjure my feelings to you and that it's not because I do not wish to communicate with you — my mind is like a hurricane, everything gets thrown inside and I will not be sure what to throw out first. So be patient with me, my love. Tell me everything's going to be okay, assure me that you will stay and be present when I am ready to tell you my secrets. I promise you, I will give you the Universe.

To my future, I hope you will never be afraid of me. I hope you never have to be so strong all the time in front of me. Please do not hide yourself and please tell me if I am doing anything wrong. I am not good with being yelled at or criticised, so, tell me softly — teach me how to love you better. And I will teach you mine.

To my future, I hope you will always keep your promises. I hope you will never make me feel special one day and then leave me the next. I hope you will always be patient with me and never give up on me, even when I feel like giving up on myself. I hope when the other feels like giving 3% today, you or I, will give 97% more. I hope we can compromise and love each other in ways we've never loved anybody else. I hope you will always hold onto your words because I'd keep them close to my heart. I hope you know that when you are holding me in your arms, my love has settled deep into your veins. I hope we can trust each other, I hope you will never have to keep secrets away from me. Good or bad, I will never judge you. We're here to teach each other; you'd be like a best friend, a sibling, a teacher and above all else — you will be my soulmate.

To my future, please do not make me depend on you.
Because I will not tolerate control.
I am my own being, my own home, my own words and my own body. You will be a safe haven on Earth but at the end of the time, we can only depend on the Almighty. For it is He that we will return to and I hope you know I do not want you to ever love me more than you love Him. I only want Heaven for you, that's the biggest love I could give.

To my future, I hope you will find security and family within me. I hope you know that you can trust my mother, befriend my brothers and love my sisters. Because if you treat me right then they will too. If you respect me as their daughter and as their sister, as their bestfriend and as their forever — then they will find you a room in our home.

To my future, I hope you are grateful. I hope you are kind to yourself, to our family and to me. I hope you will never choose to stop seeing stars in my eyes. I hope you will always come back home to me and I hope that you will always pick me. Be committed to me and I will teach you how to fly without wings. Be my hope, the reason why I'm laughing with tears in my eyes and I will give you a home. Give me you...and I will give you me.

At last, to my next future,

I hope you will always stay.


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