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~~sorry that I haven't added a new one. I just haven't had time to make new ones as a senior in highschool. I haven't had the time or had a poem assignment. I found this one from a long while ago. Sorry for the typos. Enjoy :) ~~

When you get older you will discover life is tough,

But you'll see there are ways to make it easier.

There are things you could do that will make life go on with a lot less stress.

If you're kind when no one asks you to be but it's more for you than others,

If by showing confidence and yet don't show a privileged nature,

If you could be grateful for what you have but still strive for more,

If you could learn to love but also learn to accept love,

If you could give to others and not remind them of the favor,

If you can be happy but not gloat about your happiness, but instead spread it,

If you can show empathy instead of pity for people's problems,

If you can accept help but also be grateful for it,

And if you can show the world you can power through any obstacle no matter the challenge,

You will be a true adult.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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