Chapter Seven

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Characteristics of the Ideal Mate:

Not too handsome

Not a flashy dresser

Preferably blue collar, like a mechanic

IQ no higher than 100

His eyes were so green. I would have though the dimness of the pool hall would have made them look dark. Just the opposite, they radiated. Although it may have just been a glow from his lime-colored Hawaiian shirt.

He gave that up-and-down, thorough perusal he'd given me each time before, like he wanted to taste every inch of me. Curiously, my nipples hardened and I felt tingles all over. Heart attack? I did have shortness of breath. No pain on my left side though.

I licked my lips and said the first thing that came to mind. "You're in my way."

"Perpetually, it seems," he said, crossing his arms but not moving. He held his pool stick to one side naturally.

"I'm just learning how to play pool" was what came out of my mouth next.

He nodded. "This is a good place for that."

I could have slapped my forehead.

"Your little tuber friend isn't here. I'm surprised. I kind of expected him to follow you around like a puppy dog."

"Art's not little."

His eyebrows rose.

"I didn't mean it like that," I protested, cheeks burning.

"At least these guys show more promise." He nodded at Rio and Matt. "Which one is yours?"

"Neither." I glared at him. "Not that it's your business."

"You're not on a date?" Smiling, he uncrossed his arms and reached to push back a wayward strand of my hair.

"Daph, who's your friend?"

I looked left to find Mena at my side, staring with blatant curiosity. I narrowed my gaze at her in warning.

Obviously I needed work on my threatening glare because she just stuck her hand out. "I'm Mena."

"Like the rat?" he asked.

Mena pursed her lips in confusion. "What rat?"

"Nothing," I said quickly, shooting him a quelling look.

He smiled and took Mena's hand. "Gray. Nice to meet you."

Gray. I wrinkled my nose. Not even his name was average. How much more evidence did one need?

Mena looked from him to me. "So how do you know Daphne?"

"Daphne." Eyes on me, he said my name like it was a dessert to be savored. A sinfully delicious dessert. Then he turned his lethal smile onto Mena. "Daphne and I go way back."

"You do? I didn't know Daphne had friends." Mena grunted when Rio poked her in the ribs. "I meant because Daph's only been in town for such a short time."


I wanted to tell him to stop staring at me. It was too intense and all-knowing for my comfort. But before I could get a word in, Mena asked, "So how did you meet?"

"We ran into each other outside Parkhurst Children's Clinic," Gray replied, still watching at me.

"Children's clinic?" Mena frowned at me. "Were you interviewing there? I thought-"

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