Chapter Twenty-Three

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chem·is·try [kem-uh-stree] - noun

1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter.

2. any or all the elements that make up something.

3. mutual attraction or sympathy; rapport.

By the time Charles picked me up that evening, my head was throbbing. I wished I'd cancelled our date after all. I was tempted to tell him I was going to stay home with a cold compress only he looked so pleased to see me I didn't have the heart to do anything but get into his truck.

I recognized the source of my headache: Kevin. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. This conference was the ideal forum for releasing my finding. I knew that-I just didn't have any options open to me where the symposium was concerned. Except to turn over the data to him.

That thought made my head pound harder.

Truthfully, Gray figured into my headache as well. I just didn't want to think how. Or admit why.

Unfortunately, Charles was especially chatty. "You wouldn't believe what I pulled out of a drain today."

Pressing a hand to my temple, I made a noncommittal sound.

"A Barbie doll." He chuckled. "Can you believe it? When was the last time you heard of a Barbie doll getting flushed?"

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him if his customer's name was Ulysses Gray, but just thinking his name made me feel crankier.

Charles glanced at me as he put his turn signal on. "You know, the Barbie reminded me a little of you. Not the part where she was drenched and covered in gook, but her long blond hair and her body in general."

Fantastic. Another man with a Barbie fetish. Only instead of Smart Barbie, this one wanted Plunger Barbie.

"At least I think you have long hair." He frowned at my head. "I've never seen it down."

I remembered the last time I took it down for a man and raised a hand to make sure all the pins were secure.

"You're awfully quiet tonight, sweetie. Did you have a hard day at work?"

"My most challenging moment today was filing Kinky Boots, only because my boss doesn't believe British movies are foreign." I winced as I remembered the little skirmish Walter and I had over it. Why he couldn't understand that Great Britain was a separate country?

"I can see how that'd be tough," he replied seriously.

I tried not to think how Gray would have seen the absurdity in the situation. Or how he'd have joked that I needed a pair of kinky boots myself. Or how he would have whispered how he'd like to kiss me all over while I wore the kinky boots and nothing else.


It wasn't fair of me, I realized. I was taking out my bad humor on Charles and he didn't deserve that. I'd set aside my issues and focus on him tonight. Tomorrow was time enough to tackle everything else. Once I got out of the car, I was going to be the perfect, attentive date.

Five minutes later we arrived. Taking a deep breath, I pasted a smile on my face and hopped down from his truck. When I looked around, the smile bled from my lips. Be nice, I told myself. "Where have you brought me?"

"Montage," he said as he joined me. "The restaurant we're going to."

"There's a restaurant here?" I looked around but only saw what looked like abandoned warehouses. Although, on second thought, they probably weren't abandoned but filled with gangs waiting to pounce on plumbers and their dates. My only consolation: when we were attacked at least Charles was bulky enough to take everyone on so I could get away.

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