Chapter Twenty-eight

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New Objectives:

Tell Gray he won (endure his gloating)

Apply for a job at the clinic

Make up for bad behavior toward Charles

Take care of research-once and for all

"Not a bad thing," I mumbled, pacing in Mena's house the next morning. "Definitely not a bad thing."

Morning had brought clarity, on more than one front. It was like overnight I discovered the missing piece that made the entire puzzle logical.

First, there was Gray. I could see how much of a mistake I was making by pushing him away from involvement.

Involvement. Such a tepid phrase for what we really had. The reality of the situation was so much hotter. More filling. More everything.

It was the look in his eyes that convinced me-the way he gazed at me like he was so sure I was the one for him, even though I'd been pushing him away. He'd looked like he wanted me, despite and because of my faults.

Deep inside me, a longing stronger than I'd ever felt expanded until it was a sharp physical ache. I pressed my fist to my chest, wondering if I should call 9-1-1.

I shook my head. If only it was something I could go to a doctor for. A tall, sexy, Hawaiian shirt wearing doctor was a little messy but completely earnest.

All night his words repeated in my mind. Whatever you decide to do with your life, even if it's being a video store clerk, I'll support. But words were easy to say, as evidenced by Kevin.

Only along with the words I remembered the look in his eyes, and I knew I was seeing total acceptance. I knew if I suddenly declared I wanted to wrestle alligators for a living he'd nod and say Go for it.

But I didn't want to wrestle alligators or work in a video store or strip, at least not for a living. I wanted to work in a lovely children's clinic like I'd always envisioned.

The fears rose but I stifled them. I couldn't just walk away again, no matter how frightened I was of being hurt.

"I can do this," I assured myself. Only I needed a little help.

Stepping outside, I briskly knocked on Magda's door. When there was no answer, I knocked again, louder.

Still no answer.

Shouldn't she be home? It was only around ten. In the morning. Even high-priced hookers didn't start working that early, did they?

Maybe she was still out from the night before. I nodded, liking this theory. I ran upstairs, wrote her a short note asking her to get in touch with me when she got home, and taped it to her door.

Since Magda wasn't home, I went back upstairs and grabbed my cell phone. I had several calls to make. First on my list: Gray.

He picked up on the first ring. "Daphne? Have you hit your head?"

I frowned at the strange greeting. "Why are you worried about me hitting my head?"

"The way you were talking yesterday, you'd have to be concussed to initiate contact with me."

I cleared my throat. "About yesterday."

"If you say it was a mistake, I'm going to come strangle you right now even though Annabelle Lucas is waiting to have her ears checked."

"I wasn't going to say it was a mistake," I said indignantly.

"It turns me on when you get all haughty. So what were you going to say?"

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