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If you have not read FLASHBACK, do not proceed. I REPEAT: DO NOT KEEP READING THIS PAGE. It contains spoilers. Don't say I didn't warn you!

So, this page isn't actually a part of Secrets revealed. I'm just going to take you through my journey of ships that I went through when I read KotLC, including my new opinions after reading Flashback. (That's why I haven't updated in a while, by the way.) I hope you enjoy!

KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES: To be honest, in the first book, I totally shipped Sophex/Dexphie/whatever-you-want-to-call-it-SophiexDex. I mean, it was obvious that Dex liked her, and there wasn't a whole lot of strong evidence for the other ships. Plus, Dex is just adorable.

EXILE: After reading Exile, I knew that Keefe liked Sophie, but I still thought that she would end up with either Dex or Fitz. Even though Fitz was kind of being a jerk, I knew Sophie still liked him, so that's why I thought it could be him. And Dex... well, he was still being all sweet and crushing hard on Sophie. At this point, Keefe was being a little more subtle with his feelings than Dex was, which is why he didn't make the list of possibilities.

EVERBLAZE: I think it was sometime during this book that Keefe gradually worked his way onto the possibilities list. During Everblaze, I was a Sophitz shipper (I actually came up with the ship name "Sophitz" before I read it in the book, so I continue to use that name even though they keep referring to it as "Fitzphie"). I mean, Dex was still alright, but Sophie and Fitz were so cute together. And Keefe... who couldn't love Keefe?

NEVERSEEN: During Neverseen, Keefe moved up on the ship list as he played  a larger role in Sophie's life. On the other hand, Dex started to play less of a role, and he moved down the list. I still kind of shipped him with Sophie, but I was mostly a Sophitz and Keefoster shipper, especially since this is the book in which I realized that Fitz liked Sophie, too. 

LODESTAR: Okay, even though Keefe was being dumb in this book, I still shipped him with Sophie, although maybe not quite as much as I shipped Sophitz (lol I can't remember who I shipped in Lodestar)! Dex was still sort of on the possibilities list, but not really. But, I guess in this book, it became really obvious that Keefe had strong feelings for Sophie.

NIGHTFALL: Any possibility of Sophex was completely wiped out in this book (for obvious reasons). Other than that, Sophitz and Keefoster were tied. Even after I finished the book, I wasn't sure who I shipped with Sophie. After putting some deep thought into it, I developed my theory, which is what I wrote about in Secrets Revealed. Kind of going off of Lord Cassius's theory in The Heart of the Matter, my theory is that the emotions in Sophie's brain are telling her she likes Fitz, when deep down, she's actually in love with Keefe. 

FLASHBACK: If this had already come out when I read this Nightfall, and I didn't have time to ponder the ships before reading Flashback, I probably would have ended up as a complete Sophitz shipper. Nevertheless, even after reading Flashback, I still believe that team Foster-Keefe is the best. **SPOILERS** Even though Fitz and Sophie now know that they have feelings for each other, my theory still stands. They haven't had their first kiss yet, and I still don't think there's going to be a spark when they do have it. Also, we know Fitz doesn't want to be in a bad match, and since Sophie can't register, she would be an automatic bad match. However, I highly doubt that Keefe would care if he had a bad match, especially considering how much he loves Sophie. On a side note, I keep seeing all this stories with "Sophie Sencen" in them. I think people forget that in the Lost Cities, it is perfectly acceptable for the male to take on the female's last name. Keefe hates his awful family. If he and Sophie do end up together, I'm 99% sure that he would take on her last name and become "Keefe Foster."  I'm pretty sure it will end up being Keefe. He's on more book covers than anyone other than Sophie, and Shannon Messenger wrote an exclusive story in his point of view first. However, if she does end up with Fitz, I can't be too upset. I mean...Hey, Keefe...I'm open...! And if Keefoster does happen like I want, I'd gladly take Fitz instead...Or Dex.......Or Tam (NOOOOOO!!! TAM!!! WHY!!!!!!!!???? T_T ....Tears.)

Hi! You're still reading! Thank you for suffering through all that, and not going to find something else to read. I just needed to ramble about that to someone! Thank you for your patience hopefully the next chapter will be more interesting. 

Also, please vote and comment below. Did you go through different shipping phases throughout the books like I did?

Again, thank you for reading! You guys are soooo amazing! I have 3K + views! I never thought I'd get this many! Thank you so much! 

Bye! Happy Thanksgiving!

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