Part 3 Suspicion

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Deku's POV

I sigh with relief and a smile spreads across my face as I see her walk through the front entrance. "Uraraka! I was so worried about you!" And as the words left my lips, my face goes red with embarrassment. "I-I mean uh we were all worried, when you suddenly dissapeared" I say quickly while trying to stop blushing. "Don't worry Deku! I'm perfectly fine, I just had an errand to run" she smiles as she looks at me. But I could tell that wasn't the whole truth. "Uraraka are you okay? You seem bothered by something" I questioned her, hoping for an answer. But she just shook her head. "Trust me, i'm fine, you worry too much" she continues smiling. So I decided to drop the conversation there. And I went to my room to lay down. "What's she hiding?" I say outloud. "Does no one else notice?" And "Is she really okay?" As all these thoughts swarmed around my head, I finally decided, if I was going to help her then I needed to know what was wrong first. And since she won't tell me herself, i'll have to follow her, the next time she goes out. And with that last thought crossing my mind, I slowly fell asleep.

*Next Morning*

I wake up to hearing someone move around in the living room. *yawn* "guys?" I say as I make my way to the living room. But on my way there I checked the time. "5am? Why are you guys even awake?" I say just to get no response. I couldn't see a thing, it was still dark outside and the lights were turned off. But then I saw a black figure. It had a feminine shape. And seemed to be in a hurry. So I decided to hide then follow them. The black figure made it's way into town. "Where is she going?" I whisper to myself. And I ended up following her for about an hour. Until we finally stoped at a small bar/cafè. The figure went in and then came out a few moments later with an envelope. But just as they we're making there way down the street towards me, the sun started to rise. And the black figure saw me and stood in place. We stood in front of eachother as the sun revealed who the black figure was. And to my surprise it was Uraraka.

Uraraka's POV

We both stood there shocked. And not sure on what to do. "D-deku?" I stutter. "What are you doing Uraraka?" He asks me, as I quickly hide the envolope. "OH um n-nothing! I was just going for...." I tried to think of an excuse as fast as I could. "I was just going for a jog! You know when your training to be a hero, you have to stay fit" I say as I raise my arm to show my muscles. "Right?" He says but I know he didn't believe it, and he saw right through me. "So what are you doing out so early Deku?" I ask while trying to change the subject off of me. "I was just uh..." he thought for a moment. "I was just getting groceries! For...uh breakfast" he says. But we saw right through eachothers lies, but we decided to just leave it at that. "So we better get back to the dorm" I smile as I slip the envolope into my bag. "Right, lets go" he says, and we both start walking back to the dorms together.


Sorry it's taking so long for me to update! But I hope you enjoyed

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