A X Childs X Innocence

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Mid-June, was typically the hottest part of the summer and it was when I had first met him, my soul partner, the man whom I was going to marry. The cicadas sang their lulling melody as I stared at the small child in front of me. Gray and round orbs, decorated with long black lashes blinked slowly and uninterestedly at me. You could tell, he was forced to be here but, neither of us didn't have much of a choice in that regard.

I feel my mother's hand on my shoulder behind me, and I hear the boy's parents speak, but all I can remember is the bottom half of their faces.

"Kuroro say hello." A feminine voice says as her lips curve up in a smile. The boy's lips are pulled down in a frown, and he stays silent deciding to go against his mother's wishes. The couple falls silent, as he does, and the woman just giggles to herself covering her mouth awkwardly. "I'm sorry he's just a bit shy..." He doesn't seem shy...

My parents also laugh behind me and my mother choices now to speak "That's alright. Our little one is also shy but once she gets to know you she will open right up to you."

"Does she have the mark?" the boy's father asks who has a deep and gruff voice.

"Yes. Of course, she does. Everyone in the village has one as long as they have the blood of our ancestors." my mother replies. "But do you plan on giving the mark to your son soon...?"

The man with the gruff voice replies to her question "Once he has been deemed as a worthy leader by the high priest he will bear the mark on his forehead. Only those worthy, can have the mark of the holy cross on their forehead."

The entire time his father speaks, the boy's eyes bore into mine, and I can't help but look away. His eyes are wide, eerie, and dark, yet so very beautiful at the same time. The boy isn't a jolly one but rather depressed looking. His skin is a pasty white and his black hair looks to be made of the finest silks, while his beautiful lips were pulled down in a frown.

My mother then laughs nervously, her hand leaving my shoulder and she says "Well we should leave them alone and let them get familiar with each other. Don't you agree? The more time they spend with each other the easier the marriage will become for them in the future."

"Agreed. Come dear." the boy's mother hums and begins to walk away, hooking the arm of the man by her side. My mother and father also follow suit, and I look at their backs almost feeling scared to be left alone with him, but I hold my tongue and don't call out to them.

Instead, I turn back around, and I wet my lips nervously and mutter "So your name is Kuroro...?"

He finally speaks once his parents have left his side "Yes."

"Well, my name is Kiku," I mutter and I look to the beautiful flowers surrounding us.

"Like the flower?" he asks solemnly, and I nod my head.

He then says, not moving from his spot only watching me "What a poor choice for a name. They represent grief and are used to be given to the dead...but you seem to be breathing person to me."

I am confused. What was he trying to say...?

I avert my eye and ask slowly, slightly weirded out by the boy "They also represent purity and truth... and only the white ones are used to be given to the dead. Um...do you like flowers?"

He is silent as I walk over to the field of the red spider lilies and I say "I love flowers. Any kind...even the poisonous and dangerous ones." I then kneel down to the flowers, watching their stems bend and sway in the breeze "These are Lycoris radiata. They're associated with final goodbyes and legend has it these flowers grow wherever people part ways for good."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him move towards me as if interested in what I was talking about and he also kneels down by me before plucking one from the ground, and he twirls it between his finger and thumb. "I know....But do you know in old writing, the red spider lily is said to guide the dead through, Samsara, the cycle of rebirth."

I shake my head in a 'no' also listening to his information as his eyes focus on the red flower before slipping to me. He then reaches over and does something unexpected, and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear making my cheeks turn red. He then takes the flower and tucks it behind my ear and stands back up.

"Red is a suiting color on you..." he says, and I blink at him. 'Was he really a young boy?' I think staring up at him in awe. But then again I was a little girl and knew of things like this. Though, I thought I was the only one.

He then smirks slightly at me and says "And you shouldn't be so trusting and let strangers touch you... There was a spider dwelling in that flower."

My eyes widen, my blush fading and I quickly squeak as I feel prickly legs touch my skin on my cheek. I stand up tossing the flower out of my hair, and I quickly brush my cheek and my clothes off. The boy then starts to laugh evilly at my panic, and he says teasing "For someone who loves flowers you don't seem to like spiders."

I then glare at him and yell "Why would you do that?! I hate spiders! They're icky!"

He still laughs at me the corners of his eyes tearing up before giving me his back as he walks down the field "Well I happen to like them."

I follow behind him and ask "Why do you like them? They're creepy and gross."

He hums as I keep up with him and the boy replies "I don't know..Perhaps because the symbolic meaning of a spider is mystery, power, and growth. It is said If a spider comes to us, to be mindful of our choices." He then turns to look at me, a new found life in his eyes as he speaks "So perhaps that spider was warning me to stay away from you."

I begin to pout slightly, and I mutter, "Or it could have been meant for me...I'm the one who brought you to the flowers."

He smirks as he stares ahead again and he then says "I like you...At first, you looked to be a spoiled brat fed with a silver spoon all your life but the more you speak, the more you interest me."

"Well, you looked to be some unfriendly demon boy," I say, angry he thought I was some random spoiled brat.

"Demon?" he asks smirking, "Well I hope you wouldn't mind playing with some demon then?" He then stops and turns around and playfully taps my shoulder and smiles "You're it spoiled brat." And with that, he begins to run ahead while smiling over his shoulder and laughing.

I grin mischievously before taking a minute and running after him, and with that, began a long day of playing but if only I realized he would be soon leaving me or would be so called, 'pronounced dead' by the villagers and my soul partner...forever gone.

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Authors Note: Well here is to my second Hunter x Hunter fanfic! If you enjoyed feel free to leave a comment! I would be happy to hear your thoughts on the introduction to the fanfiction!

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