Chapter II: Prisoner x Spider

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I'm left in a dark room, with nothing but candlelights to keep me company. The room has no windows, and all there is a wooden brown door with somebody probably outside of it, the person most likely being the one with the sword at his seemed to be a highly skilled nen user and had instantly obeyed orders once his boss told him to guard the door. He had already warned me if I had gone up to the door he wouldn't hold himself back withdrawing his sword, and that I would be dead in a matter of seconds.

But I can't really move or open the door anyway. My wrists are still bound by the silk material, and every time I try and wiggle my wrists to break free, it only gets tighter, the same can be said when I try and use my nen. It seemed to be some sort of weird nen ability of his.

Before one of the men took me to the base, a book had appeared in that man's right hand, and he pushed his nen onto the silk that bound my wrists. Obviously binding me for good unless he was the one to take off the binds.

I'm left alone with my thoughts, of what he could possibly want to know about the stupid birthmark and my village. Did he hold some sort of grudge to someone specific? I 'tsk' to myself. Of course, it was my stupid village to put me in this type of mess. I kick a rock at my feet, and it bounces across the floor. Its been at least an hour since his troupe members threw me into this room and I haven't heard a peep since.

All I could do was wait, with curiosity and fear. Not knowing why that man took an interest in me. How did he even see the tattoo? Was it possible he was looking at my chest when I had bent down? Then if that is the case he is some perv hoping to get a shot of cleavage. Though it was hard to picture. I doubt he would have been looking...He didn't seem like that type of man, but he was a man nonetheless.

I stare at one of the candle's tiny flames, and how it was flickering back and forth and casting a shadow on the cement ground. I then hear a noise outside the door, and I fix my slouching posture, to sit up against the wall as I stare eagerly towards the door waiting for it to open.

To my surprise it does, it creaking open to reveal, the man with the cross on his forehead. I stare at him not knowing what to expect and he all he says is "I'm hoping you can be a bit corporative with me this time or..."

I cut him off spitting back, my wrists still wiggling but the fabric only grows tighter around my wrist, like the nen itself was alive "Or what? Are you going to kill me or something...? Torture me to get the information you want out of me?"

He only smirks as he shuts the door behind him, and he walks towards me, his steps quiet "I could do those things but killing you would be a waste, and I'm not one for torture...usually...Though you could say a friend of mine, would be more than delighted to help me out with that task."

I swallow, and he kneels down in front of me, and I stiffen. The orange and yellow candlelight were casting light on his face though it is continuously flickering back and forth, the light being unsteady. He then says his eyes void of any emotion "What I ask is simple. Your birthmark, your village, and your name. I want to know those things. Tell me, and I will set you free."

My eyes narrow at him. He was most likely lying. I know how stuff like this works. I open my mouth, and I reply with only one of his questions "My name is Kiku."

His face shows no emotion, but I notice his finger twitches that set on his knee. "I see." he mutters to himself and silence follows shortly after before he states "My name is Chrollo, though a lot of the people you see here will address me as boss."

'Chrollo...That name was familiar but not so familiar at the same time.' I think to myself. I stare at his forehead, and the purple cross before I ask "You were from that village...Weren't you? Is that your reason for pursuing me. To get revenge or some other scheme like that?"

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