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The air was thick with steam from the scarlet train, which contrasted strongly with the dark, eerie night

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The air was thick with steam from the scarlet train, which contrasted strongly with the dark, eerie night. Every student, dressed in their Hogwarts robes, (First years in plain robes, and returning students in their according house colours), hopped off the train.

Whether someone was arriving Hogwarts for the first time, or for the hundreth, or thousandth time, it never really failed to amaze. It was amazing how much muggles were missing out, that a world like this existed right under their noses.

"I kinda wanna ride the boats, you wanna sneak on the boats?" Mimi asked Cho, who continued to joke to one another until they were lead to the flying carriages, which were traveling as if being carried by an invisible horse or creature.

Lina adjusted the Ravenclaw emblem on her robes, and took a seat next to Cho, Mimi, and another Ravenclaw girl named Marietta Edgecombe,who they were all familiar with, but only Cho really talked to her. She was usually petty and had an attitude, but Cho insisted she was a good friend.

The carriages started traveling, and the group was once again in conversation, though here and there Marietta and Cho drifted off into their own, which Lina would bet was about boys in their year.


The entrance hall was flooded with students, though they were seperated, and only first years stayed to have the normal orientational conversation with Professor Mcgonagall.

The tables in the great hall were cut more than usual. Space was usually made for new students, but more space than usual was made, which sparked all the girls' curiosity. They sat down anyway, Mimi complaining about how slow time was going and asking for the food to hurry up.

After the very long and very boring sorting, Dumbledore was giving his usual speech. Restating the rules and such, the usual long speech, until there was something different.

"This year, we are happy to be the host school for a very special event, one that has been going on for decades and decades,

"The Triwizard Tournament" Albus Dumbledore said, causing the toom to break out in slight conversation.

"My mother works at the ministry, so I already knew, I just didn't wanna spoil the surpri-" Marietta started but was interrupted by Mimi.

"Be quiet!" she hissed, and Marietta rolled her eyes and sank back into a listening position.

"The Triwizard Tournament is a competition, between three young wizards from three different wizarding schools,

"The challenges in this competition are dangerous, and are not for the unskilled, so therefore we added a couple of new rules regarding participation,"

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