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"Interesting history lesson don't you think?" Mimi said, the sarcasm in her tone so controlled it almost sounded like she meant it

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"Interesting history lesson don't you think?" Mimi said, the sarcasm in her tone so controlled it almost sounded like she meant it. It was very boring, which was the usual.

"I don't understand why we need to learn about laws for Goblins, I mean, i'm not a Goblin, why should I know," one of their friends and fellow Ravenclaws, Benji Farrock stated.

"If you're looking for a ministry job it definitely helps," Lina explained to the both of them, who she was making her way to transfiguration to.

"Now what i'm really excited for is Defense Against the Dark Arts, the new professor looks so creepy, but he looks like he knows what he's doing, I mean, Dumbledore wouldn't hire a nutter for nothing right?" Benji told them.

They had Defense Against the Dark Arts the next day, really everyone was anticipating the new teacher, and if he could compare to Lupin who actually taught them something.

"What about Lockhart?" Mimi suggested.

"Oh, right, him." Lina agreed, Lockhart was a very inexperienced teacher, let alone a big fraud. The man was in St. Mungos, so she didn't want to insult him too much.

They were making their way to their next class, Transfiguration, which was on the opposite side of the class they just had, which made lots of room for discussion.

"You were awfully quiet when the twins were nagging us about the shortcut, that was new," Mimi told her.

"Twins? The Patil twins or the Weasleys or... are there any other twins?" Benji asked, slightly interested.

"Weasley, and I honestly don't know any other twins.." Lina answered, thinking back to find if she knew any other pairs of trouble in the school.

"Hey Mimi, Daniel's there, you wanted to talk to him right?" Benji asked Mimi, who nodded.

"I'll make my way to class, you guys go," Lina told the pair of them, as they made their way to quickly talk with someone.

She was walking down the hall when suddenly her vision turned very blurry.

She turned left and walked down an empty hall, when she heard a small explosion and smelled a hideous odor. A dungbomb. She turned to see the twins high five eachother and laugh at her being their next victim.

She jot back to reality. What just happened never happened, because she hasn't turned left to that hallway yet, so it was probably a hallucination as a side-effect of being sleepy from Binns' class.

She turned left to the next hallway. It was a real feeling of deja-vu. She looked down at her feet, rubbing her head in case it was just a headache, when she saw a small black speck on the ground.

She kicked it toward the wall, and it exploded.

A dungbomb.

She looked to the place she kicked it, the twins were there, exactly where they were in her weird vision, coughing and covering their noses.

"Blimey, we used a partial disillusionment charm on the  dungbomb this time, how could she possibly-cough-have seen" One of the twins yelled from behind their hiding spot, trying hard to talk through the harsh smell.

Without talking to them she ran down the hall, freaking out.

"It's no big deal, just a coincidence, you drifted off and happened to dream about the dungbomb. Standing up. Yeah it makes sense," she told herself, just outside Mcgonagall's door.

Just then, Mimi found her, and skipped over to her, "Hey, i'm done, let's go get good seats," she told her.

She sensed the anxiety on her face, then spoke again, "Lina, you okay.?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you later at lunch," she told Mimi, who nodded, and opened the door to walk inside class.


Lina took down notes and read over the class syllabus with her chin in her palm.

At this point she was almost done worrying about what happened, when she felt dizzy.

"Miss Heart, are you finished looking through the syllabus?" Professor McGonagall asked her from behind.

"Yes, professor" she replied, waking up fully again.

"You can begin reviewing what you have learned throughout your time in this class, accio," McGonagall summoned a small beetle from her storage, "I would like to see if you remember how to enlarge and shrink this beetle, call me when you are finished," she instructed with a smile.

Lina placed the beetle on a tray to keep it from running off, then incantated, "Engorgio," but suddenly,

She was walking out of McGonagall's classroom, having an animated conversation with Mimi.

Cho arrived, smiling, talking about the classes they just had, when a girl behind them groaned loudly.

The girl who groaned was a blond  Ravenclaw, her books were on the floor, and her book bag torn at the bottom. A Slytherin girl kicked the books farther from her reach, making it more difficult for her to pick them up. The Slytherin girl and her group of friends laughed with a high volume and walked away.

She awoke again, with the same feeling she felt after the dungbomb vision. The beetle in front of her, larger than usual due to her spell, twitched slightly, so she shrunk it again.

She had seen the blond girl before, just now. Lina looked around the room, and spotted her, she was biting her nails because McGonagall had tasked her with the same thing she tasked Lina, and she seemed nervous to mess up.

She squinted over to where she was, if what she experienced was indeed some sort of sight into the future, the book bag would be somewhat torn.

It was.

It looked like the girl had tried to sew it before, but the repair was wearing off. The seam was drooping with loose threads, which was most likely the cause of the bag giving out.

At this point, Lina was scared. Did she have seer blood? This has never happened in her life, why now? Her heart was racing madly as she tried to grasp the fact that she just switched from the future to reality. Twice.

She learned after the dungbomb incident that she can manipulate the event, so she was going to try again, and if it works, then she'll be truly more scared.

While McGonagall was busy giving a task to another student, Lina pointed her wand to the book bag, aiming it just right.

"Reparo," she whispered, and the loose threads built themselves again, and the seam closed itself.

And now all she had to do was wait.


"She tasked me with turning a ferret into a goblet, I said "Fero Verto" it was "Fera Verto", I was so angry, one letter off! I mean cmon... Are you sure you're okay? Oh yeah you wanted to talk later," Mimi said all in one breath, as she usually said most of her sentences.

Cho Chang then arrived, "Hey guys, what do the sixth year Transfiguration students learn on the first day?"

Mimi was explaining everything that happened in class to Cho. Lina couldn't hear, she was too busy turning around, looking for the blond Ravenclaw, and then she found her.

She was talking happily with her friends, her books in place inside her newly fixed bag.

Just then, the Slytherin girl that kicked her books in the vision walked past, ignoring the Ravenclaw's presence.

"Bloody Hell, what did I just do," Lina hissed.

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