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The First day back at Hogwarts meant the hassle of getting their new school schedules

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The First day back at Hogwarts meant the hassle of getting their new school schedules. Because of the tournament, the Great Hall was even more crowded than usual. It seemed the students from all schools were now more energetic and found an increase in motivation to talk to one another.

The girls, excluding Marietta found their usual spot at the Ravenclaw table. Flitwick was calling each student up individually to talk about their schedules and the classes they want to and can take.

Lina noticed someone at the Gryffindor table trying to subtly catch a glance at either Mimi or Cho, or maybe even the girl next to them, but he was failing badly at being not-obvious.

She nudged Cho, "I think you've got an admirer,"
At this Cho shot her head up and turned to the Hufflepuff table, but Lina made her turn her head toward the Gryffindor one, where sat Harry Potter, turning away quickly, but too late.

At the same time, Ron was talking to his twin brothers, and they caught the girls turn to them. Both twins whispered something to eachother and after realizing she's been staring too long, Lina turned back to her food.

"Do you know her name?" Ron asked, "Everyone knows her, I don't think she knows it but they do,"

"Oh, that's Li-" Angelina started but Hermione started freaking out suddenly beside them. She stared at her paper and slammed her head onto the table.

"What, didn't get a good grade on your school schedule?" Ron joked at her, causing the whole of the table to laugh and forget about the whole name dilemma, meanwhile Hermione had a book raised in her hand ready to smack Ron, who jumped back in fright.


"Potions with the Hufflepuffs, I mean we have that all the time right, but Transfiguration with Gryffindors? Now that's just new," Mimi complained, though they reminded her that Lee Jordan was a Gryffindor, which caused a blush to appear on her face.

"Sixth year classes are so annoying, I have to take N.E.W.T for potions and I barely scraped a good grade in that class," Lina stated, and it was true, Snape had only tolerated her because she was quiet and made decent potions if she actually put her heart into them.

"Well isn't there the Triwizard thing? I hope they cancel exams for it because fifth year O.W.L's are going to be a pain," Cho said. Honestly, everyone forget Cho was a year under them, she seemed to fit right into their group.

Just then Cho bumped into someone. She looked up to see a handsome boy, who they all knew, (from regularly coming to quidditch games) as Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff. He had dropped his schedule and it flew a couple feet before he caught it, with the unerring skill of a seeker. She apologized again and again, "I'm sorry, Cedric!"

"You know my name?" he asked her, and Mimi tried hard to contain a laugh.

"Well yeah- I've played quidditch against you, I'm Ch-"

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