Did we? (2)

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He leaned in and kissed me startled i just sat there as he pulled away i kissed back and he stopped pulling away and kept kissing me. Before I knew it i was laying down on my bed Cody on top kissing me. My best friend was kissing me. It felt so right but yet I knew it was wrong I promised Alli that if I ever liked cody to tell her well I think I have feelings for him. We sat there kissing for what felt like ever. "Sky! mom wants you to....." my little brother Alex said standing at the door me and cody both stoped and looked at him turning a little red. "ewwwwwwwww mum they were making out!" I heard my brother scream at my mum. Me and cody both sat up he scooted to the end of my bed. My mum walked in and said "Alex came running down stairs and said you two were kissing. I found that a little odd, anyway Sky i want you to clean the pool and Cody darling  take out the trash please?" "Ok mum" i said as she left. I looked at Cody who was staring off into space. "Cody we should popbally get started"

Cody's POV

When her little brother walked in and itrrupted I was so shocked that she kissed back. We moved apart a just sat there staring off into space. I didn't hear a word her or her mum said i just kept asking my self does she having feelings for me? She shook me "Cody we should probally get started" I snapped out of it "Huh oh what do i have todo again?" I asked "Take out the trash and don't push me in the pool while i'm cleanng it!" It seemed like the kiss did phase her. I finished with the trash and went outside, she looked so cute cleaning the pool. She was just about done i put my arms around her waist and head on her shoulder. "Hey beautiful" i smiled at her. She set down the net and asked the question i hoped she wouldn't "Why did you kiss me back there?" "Skyyoursobeautifulandihavewantedtoforalongtimebutiv'ebeen..." she cut me off mid sentance by crashing her lips into mine. I kissed back softly my hands still around her waist she moved hers to my neck turning around in my arms i felt her lips move away. Was she pulling away? It had to happen at one point. then i heard the splash and felt the water she fell in the pool.

Sky's POV

I am such a klutz! i though to myself as i resurfaced. "Need a hand?" he asked reaching out his hand. I looked into those blue eyes and I melted. I took his hand and as a last minute disscusion i pulled him in. He rapped his arms around me and kissed me. It was a quick peck nothing specail. Am i falling for my best friend? We got out of the pool and my mum screamed "CODY I TOLD YOU NOT TO PUSH HER IN THE POOL!" she wasn't mad she was actually laughing. We went up stairs to my room this time I shut the door, I picked up the tank top and asked cody about it "it matches your eyes and you look beautiful in anything I didn't mean to inist that you were fat its just the tank top looked small up againest you." I kissed his cheek and said "Thanks codes" He got a phone call and walked out the room so i quickly changed into the blue tank top some white jean shots and my favorite pair of TOMS. Cody walked back in a huge smile on his face i asked "what has you so happy?" He smiled "oh nothing wanna come to my house i kinda goota change now too" "Totally" I smiled and said bye to my mum. As we walked Cody didn't say a word about any of the kisses we just walked to his house. He unlocked the door and I saw brad and Tommy playing the Xbox "Hey dad hey Tommy" I said. Me and cody always called each others parents mom and dad ever since i can remeber. Tom jumped up and ran to hug me "Sky! I missed you soo much!" he said "Tommy its only been 4 hours since i last saw you relax" "I'm going to go change real quick i'll be right back." Cody said running up to his room I sat down on the couch and watched Brad and Tom play  the Xbox. I took out my phone and texted Alli we need to talk I sent t to her. I quickly got a reply she said I'm upstairs come on up. I got up and walked to her room and shut the door behind me. "Hey whats up girlie" she said "Cody" "what did he do i'll kill him!" Alli yelled "Shhhh Alli relax nothing he just kissed me and then acted like it was nothing on the way here" She just sat there staring at me. "Alli say something!" "I'm in shock is all he's liked you for love ever!" She clampped her hand over her mouth after saying that. "Alli how long?" I asked "I don't know what your talking about." "Alli how long have you known?" at that moment Jake walked in and with out turning around said "Cody did it he made a move" he turned around to see me standing next to Alli he was in complete shock "YOU BOTH KNEW HE LIKED ME! HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN!?" I screamed 'Always i mean its been what 3 years now alli?" Jake said. Alli just shook her head yes. "I can't belive you both never told me" "i made a promise to codes" they said at the same time. There was a knock at the door it was Cody Alli opened it. "There you are Sky" he grabed my wrist. I yanked it back. I was mad "You guys told her i'm guessing?" he asked Jake and Alli shook the head and looked at the ground jake spoke up "Well you the one who kissed her" Alli and Jake left the room so me and cody could talk. i didn't want to Cody did all the talking.

Cody's POV

"Listen I don't know why I kissed you it s lrsp of faith and the fact that you kissed back shocked me I didn't think you liked me" She sat there silent it broke my heart. I loved her i knew that. But I don't know how to tell her about the phone calle I mean this is big for me. My thoughs drifted from her to the phone call and then she finally spoke "I never though of dating you I mean you my best friend but i always told myself if you asked I would say yes." "Sky I don't mean to change the subject but I got a phone call from this guy he saw my videos on youtube he loved them and wants to meet me to see about signing me!" "Cody thats amazing!"

Sky's POV

Alli walked in and said "we should get going to Bella's." on the way there me and Cody sat there and texted about us. He said he liked me as i was told. I replied with well then will you go out with me? no text back i was a little upset then we got to Bella's and the partty started we all laughed and started a game of truth or dare. "Bella truth or dare?" kaylee asked "umm dare" I dare you to... kiss cody" my heart dropped as they kissed I felt myself get jealous. I excused myself to the beach Alli followed knowing me to well. "I'm sorry its just a dare she doesn't  even like him Sky" i began to cry. Alli put her arm around me "Its ok cry it out Sky" Jake came down to the beach and sat dowm next to us he didn't say a word but Alli did "what happened you seemed to be hitting it off with Bella" She clamper her had over her mouth "Alli its ok i'm ok i don't care anymore" i said with a sniffle "She and cody seemed to be getting offly chummy making out and all" Jake said a bit of anger in his voice. Everyone seemed to have an awful time at the party expect Cody. I couldn't get him out of my head i don't know why i never really liked him or did I?


hey everyone thanks for reading a little drama more to come tomrrow if i can thanks


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