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We walked out of the front door, making sure to not wake anyone else up.

We walked down the stairs and into the car park.

"Where are we going?" I said as we walked over to Jason's car.

"If I told you I would have to kill you" Jason said.

I followed him to his car as he put the two skateboards in the boot and opened the passenger door for me.

"Ooh, what a young gentleman" I said laughing. And Jason just laughed.

He got in the drivers seat and turned on the engine.

"No in all seriousness where are we going?" I said

"We are going to a beautiful field that has a path that goes through the middle and it's where I like to go and skate when I want some peace and quiet"

"Sounds nice" I said

For the rest of the journey I just watched out the window as Jason drives.

I looked over to Jason I thought about what I feel for him. I've only known Jason for a little while but I dunno there's just something about him that makes me fall for him.

As he pulls up at the field and I look around I realise he was right it is so peaceful and beautiful.

He gets out and comes round to open the door for me, I smile at him a get out. I walk round to the boot and he passes me one of the skateboards. He shuts it and locks the car.

"So amy are you ready to skateboard?" He says

"Nope not really" I said laughing

"Too bad" he said "let me show you what we will be learning today" he said like he was an actually teacher. Which made me laugh.

"Okay sir" I said smirking.

He then put his skateboard on the floor and skated up the path, turned round and came back perfectly.

"I'm never going to be able to do that" I said

"Sure ya will" he said.

He put his skateboard to the side and put the other one down on the floor for me to stand on.

I stood on it and he showed me how I would have to stand on it for the board to actually move anywhere.

He put his hands out in front of me to hold so I didn't fall off. I put my hands in his and my hands were so small compared to his. He then started walking so the skateboard would move move next to him with me on it. The skateboard move and I screamed.

He laughed and said "it's okay I'm holding you"

After a long skateboarding lesson I finally could skate on my own, when I say that I mean I'm not the best skater and no where near as good as Jason but I could skateboard without falling off let's leave it at that.

We both sat down on the grass and Jason looked at me.

"Amy, would it be totally weird if I asked you out on a proper date?"

"Would it be totally weird if I said yes?"


-guys thanks so much for 30 reads, it might now seem a lot to you but I does to me so thanks-

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