Chapter 5

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"Why'd you call me here Grayson?"

Dick smiles,  fucking smiles, and answers "I know things have been a bit... tense between us. But I have a question."

Jason hums and shrugs "Shoot."

Its been a week since Jason talked to Tim, but that's OK, because he'd thought that he'd meet him on Saturday. Unfortunately,  Tim set him and Dick up for Dinner. Jason scowls, smart baby bird.

"Are you and Tim... involved?" Jason frowns and glares "I don't think that's any of your business even if we were."

"So your not?" "Maybe." "Jason!"

"Fuck do you care?" Jason snarls and Dick glares at him, trying to look intimidating "Cause I care about Tim, and Damian."

Jason doesn't remind Dick about himself.

"We're not dating, I've stopped having relationships and try not to. But your boyfriend is so fucking persistent." Jason snarks and Dick is conflicted.

"You've had relationships?" He asks softly and Jason rolls his eyes "Not that you care." He answers. Dicks eyes snaps up to his own and he sighs "That's not true. I really do care."

"I've dated Rose and Kyle. That's all." Dick rubbed the back of his neck "Did you break up with them or...?"

"Both for the same reason, we traveled around too much and didn't have time for each other. Still friends though." Jason shrugged "You've dated so many people at this point that I've lost count." Dick grins.

"I've dated Babs, Wally, Kori and now Roy." Dick says and smiles again "Don't think I'm leaving Roy anytime soon though." Jason rolls his eyes "Your a dick."

Dick grins and leans against his palm which people like to call charming.

Jason likes to call it fucking stupid.

"I'm goin' ta kill Tim after this." Jason says, snarling while twirling his fork in his noodles and Dick winces. Jason doesn't feel bad.

"So uh... what's been up with you lately?" Jason shrugs again "Been meeting up with Selina and Harley, Ivy gave me something to help me sleep and Kori gave me a whole lecture on mending relationships."

Dick wonders wheater of not she was talking about him.

Jason hums "You?"

"Well B gave me a new case to work on, and then theirs Tim who's been nagging me to talk to you. Helena just seems to be ignoring all of us but Damians insistant that they should team up on me." Jason chuckles and Dick can't help but chuckle along with him.

"Its been so long since we've talked." Dicks eyes crinkle at the corners and Jason rolls his eyes skeptically.

"I didn't plan on talking to you anytime soon, or anytime ever. Only for Tim." Jason's voice is cold when he says this and Dicks deserved it, he knows it.

He'd been so horrible to Jason when he'd arrived, and how much he tried to get Bruce to dump him back on the streets without knowing how hard it had been for Jason. And Jason... he looked up to him. He'd taken all of Dicks bullshit when Jason didn't even deserve it.

"I know, but I'm still grateful ya know." Dick takes another bite of noodles when Jason stares blankly at him.

"Don't try this Golden Boy act with me, its annoying." Jason finally says, after a moment and Dick raises an eyebrow.

"Its my personality."

"And that's why I tend to avoid."

The of the dinner is silent. Jason likes that. Dick should regret it, just like Bruce, just like Gordon.

Fuck them.

"Can we do this again?" Dick asks and Jason snorts, with a barely there smile.

"Don't let Roy get the wrong idea, he's one possessive bitch." Jason teases and Dick smiles back.

"I'll let him know."

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