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"Why do I have to do this?" Jack's best friend Danielle asked. He was helping her practice her fire powers, before her test to move on to the next level of her studies.
"You know why," Jack said, stomping out the fire she had started on the patch of grass next to the log they were using. "At least you were closer this time." He finished looking at the patches that were everywhere but the log.

She still looked upset. "What am I doing wrong?" She cried, completely frustrated.

Jack thought about the best way to explain it to her, "You need to be confident that you can hit the log. Don't think that you can miss, you can only make it. Focus, point, and then shoot, got it?"

"Alright, I'll try, if we can get some barbecue as a reward after I hit it!" she exclaimed excitedly. "If you hit it my treat, but it has to be in the center."
With the thought of free barbecue in her mind; she calmed her mind, let out ​a deep breath, and fired.

It just barley hit the log. Danielle looked disappointed, she tried to hide it but Jack noticed. "I say that we continue to practice after lunch, you can't focus on an empty stomach." That got the biggest smile from Danielle that he had ever seen.

Jack DireWhere stories live. Discover now