Part 8 Discovering Love

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A few days had gone by and Sophie's strange feelings for Mufaroo had grown stronger. She still couldn't tell what it was to her dismay. But she did notice that Mufaroo was almost always staring at her. He also tries to be with her but is taken away by other lions to go do something else.

Since Sophie's parents know everything she's just been in lion form this whole time staying with the moonlight pride.

Sophie's come to realise that Mufaroo wants to speak with her. So, she's going to get some time alone with him. Sophie remembers that since Mufaroo is new, he doesn't know about her secret. She'll tell him that when they're alone.

Sophie's parents have a cottage not far from their house. It's meant for Sophie to move into when she's older. But she could probably speak to Mufaroo there for now.

Sophie goes around looking for Mufaroo and finds him hiding in a tree.

She calls out, "psst. Hey, Mufaroo. Get out from there and follow me."

Mufaroo gets down and follows Sophie for a long time till he finally asks, "Where are we going and are we nearly there." He says the last part with a bit of a whine.

"Don't worry, we're almost there, " Sophie says with a laugh.

They round a corner and a cozy looking cottage comes into view.

It's roof all made from straw with a stump of a chimney sticking out. The building itself made from dark red bricks with vines starting to grow up it. Then, the windows with light dust settling on them. Last, but from far the least, the beautifully carved door. There were beautiful flowers carved into the door all connected with vines.

Sophie had unlocked the door earlier before looking behind her at Mufaroo. So walking up to the door she gently nuges it open with her nose.

Sophie turns around and looks at Mufaroo who's still staring at the cottage.

"Come, on," Sophie says," let's go inside."

"Aren't you worried or scared about humans?" Mufaroo asks.

"That's something I have to talk to you about." Says Sophie," Just come on, trust me."

She carries on walking inside and relaxes slightly when she hears footsteps following.

"I need to know before I tell you if there's something you want to say to me," Sophie tells Mufaroo.

"I love you Sophie," Mufaroo just blurts out. That's it! That's the feeling Sophie had, love!" I fell in love with you the moment I lay eyes on you. I hope you feel the same way about me."

Sophie stands there a bit before walking over to the couch and throwing a blanket over herself.

Mufaroo looks at Sophie with a confused expression.

"I do love you Mufaroo. I just hope you feel the same about me after this,"

Mufaroo's face goes even more confused before Sophie turns into her normal human form.

Mufaroo looks up at a white-haired, blue-eyed, gorgeous women.

"This makes me," Mufaroo begins as Sophie holds the blanket closer caused by nervesness. " like you ten times more," Mufaroo finishes.

Sophie blushes, which is unusual, and bends to stroke Mufaroo.

"I wish there was a way I could do that." He says purring, "Then we could be together."

This got Sophie thinking.

I am so sorry for not posting in such a long time.

I had writers block for a while and I started boarding school a few weeks ago.

Then the chapter idea hit me. Hope you like it cause now I know what to write.

Oh and P.S, falling star has been cancelled for those of you who wanted to know.

Thanks Byyyeeeee

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