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Sophie turns into the kitchens of her cozy cottage to see her two favorite boys eating the lasagna that was supposed to be in the oven still.

Six years ago Mufaroo travelled with Sophie to a witch doctor who turned him into a human with cost of never being able to become a lion again.  They now live in the cottage where they first fell in love with each other with their four-nearly five- year old son Nathen. Nathen has his fathers black hair and tanned skin with his mother's eyes.

Sophie finishes scolding the boys before taking the dish to the dining table where they all begin eating. Leo, their lion-like looking cat jumps onto the table begging for some which, of course, this fat cat shall always receive.

After a delicious meal Nathen and Leo secretly steal some catnip that's growing by the window. These two are the best of friends for many reasons one of which is that Nathen is part cat.

Even though Nathen is more human then cat, the catnip still affects him and after a while and being caught, he is sent up to bed. Now it's just Sophie and Mufaroo sitting on the sofa cuddled together watching the fire crackle as Leo lays next to them high on catnip.

" I love you kitty," Mufaroo says lovenly to Sophie. Kitty being her nickname.

" I love you too, darling," Sophie says back rubbing the baby bump growing on her stomach. Inside there their second child develops and after many more shall.

"I don't regret turning human, this is the best thing ever to me."

Sophie smiles a happy, in love smile. Even though she's probably heard that a thousand times.

The books done. I hope you guys like this. It is my first one but I've got better ones on the way. Promise.


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